La Plata UBF Easter Bible Conference

by WMD   04-27-2015   0 reads

Thank God for accomplishing graciously Easter Bible Conference (Apr. 3-5); God’s words were served based on 1 Cor. 15, dividing it into three parts: first lecture, “The Gospel of Resurrection” by one sister; Nadia, second lecture, “The Power of Resurrection” by Shps. Maria, and third lecture, “The Glory of Resurrection” by M. Mary.  

In particular, Nadia and Maria each wrote testimony deeply from their heart and delivered each word powerfully, depending on Jesus Christ, that they might grant us a full grace and consolation from the Lord; furthermore, special songs prepared by them were also spiritual and beautiful. In spite of the lack of new sheep, one brother Jorge remaining, not leaving his place so faithfully, gave us a great encouragement.

Though it has been hard for M. Mary to invite new sheep on campus to Bible study or Bible conference for the last few years, she has a new strength to serve the work of life, by accepting newly the truth that what we sow does not come to life unless it dies, as in the parable of a seed (Cor. 15:36) and that Jesus’ spirit is a life-giving spirit (45b).

We should stand firm and let nothing move us with a living hope to participate in the glorious resurrection in the Lord of resurrection, even though we are sometimes troubled and disappointed because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. May the Lord let each of us be a bold witness of the resurrection, without fearing to die and reveal His glory, amen! (by Mary Cho)