Uganda UBF Easter Bible Conference

by WMD   04-27-2015   0 reads

The theme of the conference was “A living Hope” based on 1Peter 1:3. It was held from April 3 to 5, 2015 with 98 attendants. God raised six messengers among the local shepherds, two life testimony sharers and two representative testimony sharers.

The conference commenced with an opening message from Ezekiel 37:1-14 by Sh. Julius Ecuru. There were three main lectures from John 19:16b-42, 1Peter 1:1-12 and Acts 1:1-11 respectively. The messengers were Sh. Steven Ssebbale for main lecture I, Sh. John Ssejjemba for main Lecture II and Sh. Albert Ovwon for main Lecture III. We also had two morning devotions from John 14:1-7 and Luke 7:11-17 by Sh. James and Sh. Dan Kiggudo respectively.

We were also graciously blessed with a special lecture on the evening of Saturday the 4th entitled, “A comparative Study between the East African Rival movement and the Korean Pentecost.” The lecture was given by Rev. Dr. Calvin Kim.

On Friday evening we heard mission reports from the newly pioneered mission fields of Rwanda mission (Butale University), Nkumba University, Ndejje University, Uganda Christian University Mbale campus, and Uganda Christian University Mukono campus. We thank God for the work going on in these campuses and for preciously using his servants to extend the gospel news to His beloved ones.

The Holy Spirit worked so mightily at this conference that all attendants accepted and renewed their faith through the living hope through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was realized through testimony writing and sharing in groups.

We are praying for one to one Bible study, Sunday messages and local leadership.

Sh. Gerald Katugume/Dr. Luke H. Lim