Annual Daily Bread Writers Meeting 2015

by WMD   06-15-2015   0 reads

The UBF Daily Bread Writers Meeting was held on June 13, 2015, in Chicago UBF’s World Mission Office, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The members who attended were: Mother Barry, Dr. Mark Yang, Dr. James Joung (Daily Bread Coordinator), Dr. Joseph Ahn, Dr. Augustine Suh, Dr. Dennis Miller, Tony King, Pastor Kevin Albright, Yvonne Lee, and also attending via Internet, Dr. Joe Wert and David Miller. After opening prayer by Dennis Miller, Dr. Augustine Suh led a two-hour Bible study entitled The Word of God: Characteristics and Power, as prayer for writers to have absolute faith in the word of God.  Mother Barry stated during the Bible study, “These are very difficult times to stand on the absolute truth of the word of God.”

After lunch, Sh. Tony King delivered an one-hour presentation on Expositional Preaching: How We Speak God’s Word Today by David R. Helm. From this study, we could explore how we as writers properly contextualize the Bible’s message and communicate it. As a goal, we as writers should aim for leading our readers to a change of heart rooted in prayer.

Finally, Dr. James Joung gave out the annual writing assignments and allowed for changes among the writers. The 2016 Daily Bread writers will be: Dr. Joseph Ahn, David Miller, Dr. Joe Wert, Tony King, Dennis Miller, Dr. Bill Pottenger, Pastor Kevin Albright, Pastor Steve Stasinos, Kevin Jesmer and Yvonne Lee. Dr. James Joung will serve as editor and Sh. Kristin Weed will proofread. Please pray for the Daily Bread writers to have absolute faith in the word of God and be filled with the Spirit to write with inspiration.

By Yvonne Lee