Dr. John Jun's CME Report: Tokyo, Japan

by WMD   07-17-2015   0 reads

Walk by the Spirit 

“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Ga 5:16)

We thank God for sending Dr. John Jun & M. Sarah Jun for one month for CME in Japan with our missionaries. Through this CME our missionaries renewed God's calling and mission through their practical love and the grace of God’s word. 

Dr. John & M. Sarah arrived at Tokyo on the evening of June 2, and from the next day they begun CME lecturing tour, visiting two or three local chapters a week in Japan according to our missionaries’ request for Ephesians and Galatians Bible study.On June 6 to7 we had a CME at Tokyo UBF and it was like a one night & two day conference. It started on Saturday evening by having GBS and sharing testimonies together. On Sunday Dr. John Jun delivered the message at the Sunday worship service which was followed by M. Paul Chung's (who arrived at June 6) lecture about early church history.   

On June 8 Dr. John Jun's company and all of us went to visit Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of Waseda to pray for the campuses and on June 9 they left for Utsunomiya. Through the CME M. Daniel & Maria Choi were greatly encouraged and concentrated on the CME, canceling their next day work schedule. Especially when M. Daniel come to join CME he had a guilty feeling for having no fruit of disciples in their ministry and was afraid of being rebuked by Dr. John, but instead he was greatly moved by Dr. John and M. Sarah Jun's warm love and encouragement for his family and were strengthened to pioneer Sendai ministry though they are alone in Sendai.

On June 27-28 the second CME was held in Tokyo. It started at Saturday 10am by having GBS and in the afternoon we wrote testimonies and shared them together. It was so full of grace in sharing sincere and graceful testimonies that some shed many tears.

 Personally, it was not easy for me to make the CME schedule for our missionaries in 15 chapters in Japan because of their work schedule and of their chapter and personal matters. But all the missionaries willingly participated in CME taking days off from their work and came from faraway local cities. Through Dr. John Jun's CME all our missionaries in Japan were greatly moved through the word and their warm love as well, especially their practical counseling and love which came from their personal experience.

I myself also learned many things through the CME and repented and renewed my heart in serving God.

As for me, after being promoted to vice principal in my school I have been bounded by work because of the sense of responsibility. After that my heart was gradually far from the word of God and I lost gratitude about the spiritual blessings from God. Though I should have walked by the Holy Spirit, I walked behaving as a principal.

But through the CME I newly realized the abundant spiritual blessings given to me and renewed God's calling as a missionary. And I also made a decision to walk by the Spirit. I pray that God may help me to be full of the Holy Spirit through His word and prayer.

I earnestly pray also for our missionaries in Japan that they may keep God’s grace in their hearts, which they have received through the CME, and that they may be fully transformed in the Lord so that they may bear much fruit. May they serve Japan, Asia and the world campus ministry through active Bible study, writing testimony and raising disciples. 

One word: Walk by the Spirit

Daniel Jeong