M. Joseph Song (North York UBF) shared his testimony at Chicago

by WMD   08-17-2015   0 reads

August 10, 2015


(How can the surpassing worth of Christ change (affect) us?)

Philippians 3:8 “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” 

I thank God for giving me a chance to visit Chicago UBF. I give thanks to all coworkers whom I met and talked with together in a short time. I would like to give thanks to Dr. Joseph Ahn who coordinated my visit on such short notice. While meditating on the word of God from Philippians 3:1-14, I recalled the book of Philippians we had studied last summer in our ministry. We are going to study this book again before the upcoming Fall semester. I thought to myself, “I am studying the same passage again during my Chicago visit for three days.” When I read Philippians 3, The Lord seems to say to me that “It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again.” I relate this verse into my mind. “It is no trouble for me to study the same things again because this passage is very important to me. Yes Lord, please teach me the word of God.” So I read the passage again and I picked up two points. One phrase is “rejoice in the Lord!” The other phrase is “because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus.”

Rejoice in the Lord is a safeguard (1). Many troubles and problems in the world take away our smile. People like to rejoice and be happy always. Who does not want to rejoice in life? Apostle Paul teaches us to rejoice in the Lord. I think “in the Lord” makes a difference as opposed to “in the world” in terms of reservoir or supply. What does it mean to “rejoice in the Lord?” I think it means the Lord is the source of joy. It means that the Lord is the Creator who created the heavens and the earth and the Savior who redeemed human beings through his death and resurrection. “Rejoice in the Lord” is a safeguard. When troubles or problems like storms of life come, “rejoice in the Lord” is like a life-jacket in the raging sea of the world. Rejoicing in the Lord protects me and guides me to arrive at the right destination. Yes Lord, I learn that to rejoice in the Lord is a secret of growing my faith continually. I rejoice in the Lord having fellowship with coworkers in Chicago UBF.

On August 7, 2015, M. David Won of UIC ministry picked me up in the afternoon and introduced me to University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) ministry. I visited UIC and the Bible house with him. We prayed together on campus to raise global leaders who can give spiritual influence to the whole world. I joined UIC Friday’s meeting at 6:30pm and heard three testimonies and a short message entitled, “I Want to Know Christ” to prepare the coming Fall semester.

On August 8, 2015, I had a chance to greet P. Abraham Kim and had a Bible study with Dr. Joseph Ahn based on Philippians 3:1-14. I thank God for giving me an opportunity to study the word of God with him. In the afternoon, Dr. James Kim introduced me to Northwestern ministry. I visited Northwestern University and the Bible house with him. He shared about the historical Five Calves Team and their small apartment building. I thank God for enabling me to see the work of God with him. I had a longing to greet M. Grace A. Lee and to see the late Dr. Lee’s office and visit his burial place. She welcomed me gladly. Dr. Paul Koh shared how much Dr. Lee made an effort to serve Chicago ministry briefly. He emphasized three elements: the explosive power of the word of God, the prophetic vision, and the significance of one person. I enjoyed listening to the history of Chicago UBF briefly and his testimony. I studied Genesis 1:26-2:25 with Dr. Charles Kim in the evening. He taught me the origin and purpose of the family. 

On August 9, 2015, I had time to talk with M. Isaac and Rebecca Choi about CBF ministry before worship service. He shared his experience of serving CBF ministry called Teachers’ and Parents’ (T&P) Education. He emphasized three principles: A husband and wife should love God; parents should love each other and parents should love their children. Dr. Augustine Sohn invited me to join Bible study with his Bible students Sunday morning. I had a short time to get to know Dr. Sohn and his Bible students. Elder Jim Rarick delivered a Sunday message entitled, “God Made the Family.” I learned that God created human beings in his image. God made the family so that each person may help one another. I had a privilege to have lunch with Mother Sarah Barry in her house right after worship service. I had a good time with her along with M. Monica Barry, Jinyoung Kim, and Grace So. I was glad that I had one common interest with Mother Barry. It was the Nevius strategy regarding self-support, self-propagation, self-governing. She shared her life in Kwangju before she began UBF student ministry as a woman evangelist. M. Maria Ahn spent time with me to visit Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) and Bible house in the afternoon. We prayed together on campus for NEIU ministry. I met Dr. John and Sunji Jun, and M. Moses Kim. We talked about the Normandy landing strategy during WW II. Dr. Jun shared the history of Japan and requested to pray for CME ministry. In the evening, M. Grace A. Lee wanted to show me Loyola University before I left Chicago. I could remember Loyola coworkers’ special song on Sunday worship. I thank God for all these precious servants of God who treated me like their son by giving me rides, serving me meals, counselling me and giving me advice while staying in Riyadh House, which was arranged by M. Elijah Park.

Because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus (8). There are many valuable things in the world. Apostle Paul could have had confidence in the flesh. Verses 5-7 say, “circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless. But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” What Apostle Paul found is that Jesus Christ is the Lord who was superior to anything else in the world. It was like a gold mine or treasure hidden in a field. Jesus created the heavens and the earth. Jesus loved me so much to die for me. Jesus rose again from the dead. I was reassured that the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ changed me to believe in God and follow Jesus as his disciple. I could have hope and vision that people can be changed because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ. I thank God for taking hold of me in my mission field. I pray that I may follow Jesus by faith as a disciple of Jesus.