Hanyang1,2,3, Ansan and Aju Medical School UBF Joint SBC, Korea

by WMD   08-25-2015   0 reads

 The Message of the Cross, the Power of God

 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”(1Cor. 1:18)

On July 24-27 Hanyang 1,2,3 , Ansan and Aju medical school UBF held their joint SBC  with the theme " The message of the Cross, the Power of God" based on 1Cor. 1:18 at Fine Hill conference center at Tae-an, near the West coast  in Korea . All 146 attended including 18 sheep, seven missionaries and 13 native shepherds from four nations.

 1. A student disciple-centered conference 

We have focused on raising disciples among the growing students in our ministry through two months of message training for the upcoming conference during summer break, instead of inviting new students to the conference. It was the reason that the students always were busy for their school studies and for getting SPAC to get a job during the semester. God raised seven student messengers among nine messengers through this conference.

The students served four main lectures and three morning devotional messages. Sh. Hyunsoo Lee ( Machinery, Junior) gave us a graceful message entitled, " It is Finished" based on John19 since he had delivered his first message at the last Spring conference. He testified about the grace of Jesus with many tears and about Jesus who has set him free from the burden of guilt by deeply meditating on the cross of Jesus. 

The other six student messengers were: Kibaek Kim, Moses Ku Jr., Paul Choi, Sarah Sohn, Sarah Kim Jr., Jo-Eun Ku who made their debut messages for the conference at this time. They were all well trained after having concentrated on message preparation for one whole month. We thank God that they each have accepted the cross of Jesus deeply in their hearts through messenger training. 

Other students were also well trained by writing life testimonies. They are: Sarah Chae, Jungyoon Kim, John Jun, Bumsuk Kim, Grace Jung, Monica Song, Jiae Jung, Hannah Koh, Boram Lee, Sarah Choi Jr., Rebecca Jung and Hannah Choi.  They all shared their heart-moving life testimonies.  We also thank God for new sheep Chanyoung Oh, Woojae Jung, Hyungjoon Jung, Youngkeun You and John Kim who have been faithful to Bible studies and who presided over the meetings at this conference. They also prepared their hearts through sincere life testimonies, which they shared during the conference.    

2.  New sheep (New Students) actively participated in the conference programs

 We developed our programs for new sheep and actively invited them to participate in the programs. Among them brother Youngkeon You appeared in a main drama as a main actor as a tax collector Levi. Brother Chanyoung Oh also showed off his gift of Rap music. 

Hyuk-kyeu Gwon and HyuongJoon Jung participated in a drama in English.  On the first day of the festival program Hyuk-kyeu Gwon and Joy Whang both played musical pieces for piano. Other students who were hesitating to come to the conference finally came and  actively participated in the programs such as  in the praise team in Mongolian and in Chinese, in dancing, in men's vocal team, in women' vocal team and in Hanyang UBF orchestra, etc.

Actually, on the first day, we all went to the Kurepho beach where we played soccer and other games together and had a barbecue party with the new sheep. Young students' hearts were opened up because of the beautiful landscape at the beach and the fellowship so that they would come again to the next conference.

 3. The message of the cross and the power of God were revealed through the conference.  

The cross of Jesus is the power and wisdom of God. Through the cross of Jesus, the power of God worked mightily in the hearts of the new sheep and convicted them to confess their hidden sins before the cross of Jesus, where they received forgiveness of their sins and were set free from their burden of guilt. The grace of the cross also came upon the guests from Mongolia and China. There were 12 people who were baptized and became children of God through the conference and who made decisions to take up their cross and to follow Jesus daily believing in Jesus who will reveal his power among them.

We praise and thank God for revealing his mighty power through the cross of Jesus during this conference and for enabling us to deeply meditate on the message of the cross and the power of God through the conference.  

Moses Kim