CBF Parent and Teacher Seminar in Milwaukee UBF

by WMD   09-10-2015   0 reads

This week our chapter was blessed to host Missionary Isaac and Rebecca Choi from Chicago UBF. It was a great honor to learn from their experience since they served children’s ministry for the past 36 years. Currently, our church has 8 children who are in middle school and high school and 5 children who are between 0 and 6 years old. With a number of young families in our ministry, we hope that the number of CBF children increases.

We listened to 4 lectures followed by a question and answer session. The lectures were as follows: The Godly Family in World Mission, Children's Ministry, Family Discipleship, and Teachers’ Self-Development. The lectures were all grounded in Scripture, focusing on the importance of parents educating their children to know and obey the commands of God. They also provided practical advice for how to help children in the home and when they gather together at church.

Missionary Isaac Choi explained that we must do both children’s ministry and campus ministry in UBF. God designed us to pass faith on to our children (Genesis 1:28, Deuteronomy 6:5-8) and to share the gospel with others outside of our families (Matthew 28:19-20). As God’s people, we are responsible for vertical and horizontal relationships - parent to child and man to man.

Through the presentation, several families decided to restore family worship in their home. Another family testified, “Families form an essential unit of the church and when families are healthy spiritually, then the church can advance and flourish.” The main lesson we learned was that strong churches do not make strong families, rather strong families make strong churches. We pray that each family can worship God and build up the body of Christ.  Amen.

Our prayer topics are as follows:

  • Love God and love one another and build the body of Christ. (Relationship)
  • Grow in the image of Christ and live a Christ-centered life as a disciple of Jesus. (Character)
  • Feed sheep and make disciples of all nations for world campus mission. (Mission)