Nagasaki UBF News

by WMD   10-02-2015   0 reads

“The Lord had said to Moses, ‘Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you -- so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt.’” (Exodus 11:9)

In 1961, I was born in a remote country village located in the Chula province in Korea. After my high school graduation, I moved to Cheonchun City, located in Gangwon Province, for my college study. It  was surrounded by beautiful scenery with lakes and mountains. ( I love the city as my hometown.) I believe it was God's leading and providence over my personal life. My freshmen school life was like a prodigal son in the Bible pursuing a pleasure-seeking life. Also, I was actively participating in the student demonstration activates at the school. As a result, I found out that my grades were spoiled with 4 F’s and the others were C’s and D’s. Then I was overwhelmed by fear about my future. In order to avoid the reality, I fled to the military as my shelter for three years. When I was discharged from military service, I returned to college. I faced the future with a gloomy reality. But in the time of my distress, God had given me his grace.

God led me to have one-to-one Bible study with Sh. Rebecca. Then I fell in love with the new world of the word  of God through Bible study as if I were a fish swimming in the deep ocean. My life was totally changed from a prodigal son to a holy people in Jesus. My daily schedule began with early morning prayer and then I went to school to have Bible study. I was full of joy, writing repentant testimonies with many tears. Sometimes I doubted about my future financial security when I saw my school friends were studying hard in between jobs while I plunged into the word of God. But God was with me. He has done great things for me to experience the miracles of God, restoring me to receive good grades, though once I had terrible grades. 

In 1990, by God's grace, I was sent to the University of Nagasaki in Japan as a student missionary. Though I had never learned the Japanese language, by faith I made a decision to go as a missionary, according to my life key verse, "Have faith in God!" (Mark 11:22) In the mission land, God also was with me and he provided everything for me and did great miracles in my life. God helped me to receive a doctorate and got a job at the school. Currently I am working at Univ. of Nagasaki as a professor in the college of education. I was once a prodigal son and had failing grades, but now had became a professor.  Is this not God's miracle through my life? When my father received the news that I became a professor in Japan, he repented of his unbelief with many tears and began to attend a church near his home. The church pastor willingly commended UBF ministry, he said.

I thank God for blessing Nagasaki UBF’s 25th anniversary, in May 2015, with new vision. At that time many Cheonchun UBF coworkers came to bless our ministry and they also came to visit my research office at the Univ. of Nagasaki, confirming God's miraculous work in my life. I also thank God for guiding me even now through the word of daily bread. When I left for Cheonchun, Korea to go to Nagasaki,  God gave me a direction for my mission report through the word, "The Lord had said to Moses, ‘Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you -- so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt.”

During my missionary life in Japan for 25 years, I experienced many miracles God has done among us. Yet the people in Japan still reject the gospel message like stubborn Pharaoh. Why? The answer is clear -- that God will perform more wonders among us in my ministry, so that the people of Nagasaki may open their hearts to the Lord God and be saved. Praise and thanks be to the Lord God Almighty who performs his miracles even today! Please pray that I may experience more wondrous work of God and bring many young souls on the campus in Nagasaki to Jesus our Lord.

David Jun