M. David Kim's CME in Bonn UBF

by WMD   10-06-2015   0 reads

John 1:14a “The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”

In the preparation week for our 35th memorial worship service, we had a CME seminar with Missionary David Kim from Indianapolis, titled “Effective Fishing and Bible Study”. Though we were quite busy many co-workers joined every evening from 16th to 18th September and were inspired and encouraged through the seminar for their spiritual battle.

We started up with two preparation lectures. The first lecture was about the “Spirituality of the Cross”. We learned that the cross is weakness and foolishness, it is goodness, and it is witness. We realized that the cross of Jesus is at the center of our Christian faith and it is most important to come to the cross with our sins and accept the cross again. Praying on our knees before the cross we renewed our love relationship with Jesus. And we confirmed our decision to carry the cross in obedience and submission.

On day two we studied about the “Spirituality of Mission”. We learned that Jesus himself was the first missionary. In a similar way God has sent us to be with the students and to bring them the good news of Jesus. We realized that mission is incarnation to the level of the students, so that their lives can be restored and they can be reconciled with God. It struck us, that first of all we are all missionaries, sent from God for the salvation of the world. So we prayed to restore our clear identity as missionaries and fulfill God’s mission.

We also had a time of life testimony sharing. Sh. Jochen Schweitzer shared the grace upon his life, being changed from a habitual Christian, who would only seek after worldly success. Mark 8:29 changed his life, to accept Jesus as his Christ. He gave up his worldly dreams to engage in spiritual suffering with a vision to be a leader like D.L. Moody for the students. Since 20 years he and his family have been serving Rhine-Sieg-University. Sh. Christoph Tornau shared God’s mercy on his life from a desperate family situation and no direction. When he entered God’s covenant and followed God’s advice, God blessed his life. He could grow as a shepherd for his late mother and feed God’s sheep. God blessed his family and even raised him as a pioneer for the University of Koblenz. M. David Kim also shared his testimony. We could see God’s grace and work in his life. God used him preciously, when he obeyed to God’s calling. We were greatly encouraged through his decision to move to Indiana and start pioneering a new ministry.

In lecture three M. David Kim would talk about “Effective Fishing”. He instructed us with valuable principles for fishing, from the bible as well as from practical experience. In fishing we must be creative, flexible, persistent, and joyful. Through this we received many inspirational hints of how to fish students. Especially we realized that fishing is not a burden, but the most important and at the same time joyful and interesting mission. Through M. David’s practical examples we were moved to serve the fishing ministry with great joy and zeal.

In lecture four he taught us about “Effective 1:1 Bible Study”. Bible study is a personal encounter with God. In 1:1 Bible study we value one person very highly. As a bible teacher we must be compelled with the gospel, we must study and receive the word for ourselves. We need a long term plan for the students, conversations with them, and co-working with other church members. So we prayed to follow the good example of our Lord Jesus, to being with the students and bring them to Jesus through our 1:1 bible study.

As we have finished our center construction ministry, it was very meaningful for us to have this CME. We pray to give our hearts newly to fishing and the 1:1 bible study ministry. We received inspiration and new desires to serve 1:1 and God gave us confidence that it brings fruit. In Europa many churches are closed down and sold, but God is working through 1:1 bible study. We pray to give our hearts for fishing and bible study ministry, so God may use us to conquer the 1700 campuses in Europe and bring spiritual reawakening to Europe through our 1:1 bible study.