Dr. John Jun's CME at LA UBF

by WMD   11-19-2015   0 reads

2015 LA UBF CME report

Dr. John Jun’s Continuing Missionary Education (CME)

Time: October 18-26, 2015

Place: LA UBF in Downey

Dr. John Jun and Sunji Jun arrived in LA on October 17 (Sat).

Dr. John prepared three group Bible studies and one Sunday message. The group Bible study passages were on Ephesians chapter 1, “Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ," chapter 2, “To Do Good Works," and Galatians chapter 5, “Live by the Spirit."

October 18 (Sun): 1st Group Bible Study (GBS) with American co-workers in English, about 20 people attended

October 20 (Tue) : 1st GBS with Korean co-workers in Korean, about 40 attended

October 21 (Wed): 2nd GBS with Korean co-workers, about 40 attended

October 22 (Thur): Supplementary 3rd GBS for those who would not make Saturday GBS, about 12 attended

October 23 (Fri): Visited El Camino UBF and had fellowship with Dr. John Baik and Grace Baik

October 24 (Sat): 3rd GBS with Korean coworkers (10 am - 12 pm), Lunch (12-1 pm), testimony writing (1-4pm), testimony sharing (4-5:30 pm) in 3 groups led by Dr. John Jun (Korean men missionaries), John Kwon (American co-workers), and Maria Kwon (women co-workers)

October 25 (Sun): Sunday message was delivered by Dr. John Jun on “Every Spiritual blessing in Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:1-14)

October 26 (Monday): Special lecture on children's education (7:30-9 pm), about 30 attended

October 27 (Tuesday): Group Bible study with Cerritos UBF co-workers

October 30 (Friday): Group Bible study with W. LA UBF co-workers even though Dr. John was busy with the Kimnet meeting

Dr. John Jun also helped many co-workers who needed encouragement and spiritual discernment. Dr. John and Sunji Jun stayed at the Children center’s guest room during the time he was with us.

From October 28, he attended the Kimnet conference at Grace Church in Fullerton.

All of us have been greatly inspired and encouraged through Dr. John Jun's CME program. Most of all, I was touched by the truth revealed in Ephesians chapter one and two that I need to praise God in challenging situations instead of despairing or complaining, following Apostle Paul’s good example.