Mexico City UBF Christmas Worship Service 2015

by WMD   12-22-2015   0 reads

Unto You Is Born a Savior (Luke 2:11)  


We praise Jesus, who came into this dark, dreary, and miserable world stricken by sin: Even though Jesus deserved to stay enthroned in heaven, he came to be with us.  We thank God for our Christmas worship service abundantly this year. On December 13th,  437 people worshiped baby Jesus together with our 7 co-workers from Santo Tomas and 3 from Queretaro.

Sudden problems occurred in the auditorium we have been renting for our Christmas Worship Service for the past years. This puzzled and discouraged us, but as we prayed earnestly for a suitable place, God enabled us to find Club Cantil Salon as the best alternative. Through this, we could realize that our God is faithful and He is deeply pleased with our sacrifice and struggles of faith. 

The first part of the service started with beautiful praise and worship. After the Hallelujah Chorus, God gave us through Shepherd Raul a message titled, “For Unto Us is Born a Savior”(based on Luke 2:1-20). His message was full of grace and truth of Jesus. No news can be better than the birth of baby Jesus in a manger, which brings great joy to people living under the power of darkness, sin and death. We gave our Christmas offering as Shepherd Luis and Shepherdess Maria were singing “O Holy Night”.

The second part of the service was a joyful celebration through a twenty-member chorus, orchestra performance, and a vision dance for the pioneering ministry for Jamaica, Trinidad y Tobago, and Cuba. We also rendered glory to God through a skit, “Unto You Is Born a Savior” directed by shepherd Luis Armando.  

We felt our hearts burning within us as we watched the skit. The main theme of the skit was that the word of God is the fundamental solution to the problems of every individual and of society, and the skit ended with the resonating message to go back to the Bible. 

We praise the Lord, who loved Mexicans so much- The  People of the Wilderness -  and for  blessing us with a beautiful Christmas worship service. We pray God may bless the Christmas worship services all around the world.

Thank you for your prayers.

Sarah Hwang