Riaga UBF 2016 Christmas Worship Service

by WMD   01-04-2016   0 reads


“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matt. 1:21)

Thank and praise the love of Immanuel Jesus who came to find the moaning sinners sitting in the shadow of death! On Dec. 20, 2015, Riga UBF held a Christmas worship service and invited Korean language students to attend.

For the sake of the student sheep who live within a Christian environment but rarely hear the pure gospel of Jesus, M. Timothy Kang delivered a Christmas message entitled, "The Savior, Jesus." Through the message, he testified the love of Jesus who humbled himself and came down to this world to save us from sin and death. It was a time where we could ruminate and accept the love of Jesus who came to find sinners doomed to be cursed. Riga UBF served a special Christmas song called "He still Came." After worship, we had fellowship together and shared some traditional Korean food for the students who eagerly long to visit Korea. Many students here who are studying Korean dream of going to Korea. Everyone looked happy while eating foods like spicy Tteokbokgi and other delicious Korean dishes.

In total, twenty attendees gathered to worship the baby Jesus at the Christmas worship service. We render thanksgiving and praise to God who accepted and blessed the sincere tribute that our missionaries offered, despite our shortcomings.

M. Timothy Kang, Riga UBF