Acatlan UBF (Mexico) Christmas Worship Service

by WMD   01-15-2016   0 reads


We thank God for sending a Savior who gave us hope and salvation through his death at the Cross, opening a path to the kingdom of God for all of those who accept him.

This year, as every year, we worked eagerly to serve God´s work, we had our Sunday Worship Service every Sunday feeding Jesus´ sheep with his word and with bread which the shepherdesses prepared with all their love. We continued serving at the University Campus fishing the sheep through S. Carolina, S. Mary, S. Carolina Jr, C. Ivonne and C. Marisol who went every week without fail obeying Jesus´ command “You give them something to eat.”

This year by God´s grace S. Carolina found Adrian and Sonia, who take 1:1 Bible study faithfully and attend Sunday Worship Service. S. Carolina continued to serve Adela, Dora, and Mariana who also take 1:1 Bible study and attend Sunday Worship Service. C. Ivonne found Lizeth and C. Marisol found Karen and Natalia. 

On the other hand, S. Rodolfo, even though he has several health problems, continues to serve faithfully, guiding all the Chapter´s activities, as well as preparing Sunday message and guiding the shepherds with powerful Bible study. S. Enrique collaborates preparing Sunday message, as well as preparing all the praise songs, and playing the drums. S. Carolina Jr. collaborates guiding Bible study group for the sheep as well as guiding the Sunday school for the children and since the summer has been preparing the Sunday message as well. 

We repent because we still need to grow our faith, because we need to be more willing to sacrifice for Jesus´ sheep as well as dedicating more time; we pray that our chapter may grow as a House of Prayer, which will become a blessing fountain so that we may feed many sheep from the Acatlan University for God´s Glory. Amen!

Some months ago we started praying for our Christmas Worship Service so that it could be pleasant in God´s eyes, and be a place where many sheep could receive His love and a word in their hearts. We prayed for 100 attendants and prepared a message from Matthew chapter 2, we prepared a song for the choir, dances, and a song played by our little orchestra. 

God blessed us with 105 attendants and 15 kids approximately. We were full of joy and gratefulness, so we offered our Christmas Worship Service to the little baby Jesus who was born in the manger 2015 years ago. At the beginning the choir sang the hymn “Angels we Have Heard on High.” 

Then God blessed us with a beautiful message through S. Carolina Jr. from the book of Matthew chapter 2, called “Come and Worship Him,” in which we could learn how the wise men invested all their lives searching for their savior and how each one of us must do the same since searching for Jesus and worshiping him must be the most important thing in our life and our greatest goal. We learned how our worship must be and that the most valuable thing we can offer him is our life. 

We pray that every attendant may take the decision of searching for Jesus as their personal savior and worship him. We praised the Lord with a song, called “Come, is Time to Worship Him,” guided by the praise group, which gave all the attendants great joy. C. Ivonne and Marisol sang a special hymn, called “Living for Jesus.” 

At the end we had a very joyful celebration. The little orchestra played “The Nutcracker,” then the children danced a song from the North of Mexico, called “La Evangelina,” and sang a praise song, called “He is Great.” Then the sheep and young shepherds danced a song from the State of Chiapas, called “El Rascapetate” and a praise, called “We are Free,” which gave all our attendants great strength and joy.

We praise God, who blessed our Christmas Worship Service, but specially, for letting us share Jesus´ love with all our guests. We pray that this 2016 we may work in our mission field FES Acatlan with all our hearts. We also pray for the Christmas Worship services in Mexico, Latin America and all the world, may they be filled with the Holly Spirit and blessing for all their attendants. Amen!

Our prayer topics for this year 2016 are:

  • Thirty 1:1 Bible studies each week and thirty attendants to our Sunday Worship Service, and if we reach this goal, then pray for forty.
  • Find a bigger place for our center, since the one we have is very small and we barely fit, but it is very hard to find a suitable place in the area.
  • For the Sunday messengers so they can accept a simple, yet powerful word, that can touch the attendants´ hearts.
  • For S. Rodolfo´s health, as well as our members who suffer from illness.



In Christ,

Rodolfo, Acatlan UBF.