The Work of God in Belgium UBF 2015

by WMD   01-28-2016   0 reads

Make disciples of all nations

Key verse: Matt. 28:19, 20 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

1. Bible study, one to one ministry

Just after the EU delegation meeting in Suisse, we began to study John’s gospel. Now we’ve stopped in chapter 13 to have Christmas lectures. In global view, I’ve learned that Jesus teachings put accent on believing. Author John said in numerous times that by believing in Jesus, Son of man, we have eternal life. Studying chapter 3, I had this question:  “why does God demand us only faith?” The answer is that salvation is so urgent & crucial matter that God demands only faith from all mankind, not any other complex ideas nor human contributions.

I had another source of blessing through one to one bible study with Jr. Joshua. Every week during last two years, we studied whole book of Genesis. When we finished this study, we could have beautiful picture of God’s redemptive work through our ancestors of faith. My mind & heart were filled with a faith that God’s love and his goodness are absolute, without any doubt, under any circumstances. With such faith, I could thank Him & walk with Him.

From September, I proposed him to study the Book of Exodus. We had one big question: “why did God pass so long time and big attention on one person Moses while all people were suffering under hard labor and pressure of king Pharaoh.” We found that this is God’s way for his salvation work. Our God never hurries up. He doesn’t work with mass productive idea. But he calls one person and forms him with long plan & deep discernment until he changes into his instrument.

For campus ministry, I did not good job in 2015. I felt easily tired after work. Maintaining 2 times of one to one study and serving SWS, it was all what I did this year. But God blessed me through His words. And he helped me to be closer to Him.

In August, I received an E-mail from missionary Esther Kim in Latvia. At that time we knew that his husband Caleb Kim passed away in an accident of river. We received also updated news and prayer topics from HQ about her situation. Each Sunday and at our bible study, we prayed a lot for her. In her E-mail, she asked me to contact one student whom msn. Caleb Kim had invited in Latvia. Her name is Mai, with Vietnam nationality. She is studying in Finland University. She came in Belgium for six months of her internship. In September, we invited her on Sunday afternoon. At first she was astonished by the news that missionary Esther Kim has lost her husband. She was deeply moved by her invitation at such sorrowful situation. I and Sarah studied with her John’s Gospel chapter 4. She opened her mind and confessed her broken mind when she was refused by her boy friend. She accepted our proposal to study Genesis. From then we study every Sunday via Skype. This time, I made one decision: to serve this student only with words of God, not anymore with human service or Korean food. Each bile study took more than 2 hours. Sometimes missionary Sarah said that it would too much for a new student. On Sunday 13 December, Christmas worship service; Mai did her verbal testimony about her painful experience: refused by her boy friend. She confessed also God’s love for her. She said among our Genesis Bible study, she was moved by Noah’s faith and his lonely struggle. On that day, we studied chapter 12, God calls Abram. Now we are praying that God gives her His words continually and lead her life according to His will.

One to one study with Timothy, my second son, was stopped in October, because he did not want to study with me anymore. Among several reasons, he showed two things: he was sleepy during bible study with me and he could not open his mind before me. I said to myself: why there is so big difference between Joshua Jr. & Timothy, even though they came from me? I was very sorry about his bold and impolite declaration. But it was a fact that I had to accept. Several days later, I proposed him to study with Sarah Little Dang of Milwaukee, because she was his bible teacher during his stay in Chicago after 2013 ISBC. Shepherd Sarah Little accepted my request with great pleasure and began to study with Timothy via Skype. Timothy likes this bible study. I learned through this that God is using our 2nd Gens bible teacher for our children. The word of God is everlasting; but there is gab between I and my 2nd Gen. One month ago, Timothy bought new jean trousers. But he made there several punks with scissors as showed in YouTube. To my question, he said that was a fashion mode. I’ve accepted that there is gap that I could not understand and reduce by myself. That’s why our 2nd Gen bible teacher can make a very important role.

2. Bible conferences

In May & August, we held Weekend bible conference, one time in French speaking area (Bastogne), other in Flemish region (Ypres). In May, we studied Exodus chapter 12 (Passover institution), John 21 (Do you love me more than this). Msn. Jeremiah shared his life testimony. When he was young, he dedicated his time & money on videogame. He had no vision & dream. But God called him as Abraham. In August, we studied John 14 & 15. Jr. Joshua served his message with John 14; Jeremiah Lee served his message with John 15.

Missionary Jeremiah Lee dwelled one year in Flemish city, Kortrijk campus for his post doctor program, with his wife Rebecca and their 3 children (Grace, Christian & Noël). In September, his professor showed his will not to prolong his contract. After seven year in USA and one year in Belgium, he returned to Korea to find a job. We prayed that God may open a door through this family for Flemish campus ministry. But his contract was not renewed. Somehow their prayer on this campus was not in vain, because sister Mai came in same campus for her internship. Now she is studying the Bible via Skype; there is work of God’s words in her heart.

In August, Timothy participated to “Encounter”, European young student conference. More than 100 students were there to study bible & to share messages. He showed his will to participate continually to this conference in the future.

In July, there was French speaking summer conference in Normandy, organized by Nantes UBF. Participants were shepherd Bruno Aussant’s family, Jacob Han’s family (Nantes), Isaac Lee’s family and Esperance Kim (new pioneer chapter in Paris), Joshua Lee and Jr. Joshua (Belgium). The title of conference was Jesus’ death and resurrection. Isaac Lee (Paris) served main message based on Romans chapter 8. Jacob Han served SWS message based on 1Cor 15 (1-3). During the conference, we visited one famous place where united allies debarked during 2nd World war. We prayed together on the American cemetery where the film “Saving soldier Rayan” location was done. Joseph Han (son of Jacob Han) gave us a presentation about the scale of Normandy landing. Shepherd Bruno expressed thankfulness of French people towards united allies; because many soldiers sacrificed their young & precious life for the liberty of France. He added there Jesus’ death for our deliverance. By this visiting of American solders cemetery, we could fully understand how Jesus’ sacrifice so precious is.

After the conference, we prayed together how to keep our contact & prayer meeting. We decided to study one time per month with Skype. Until now, we did four times of prayer meeting with Skype among French speaking nations: France, Suisse, Belgium.

3. Key verse & spiritual direction for 2016

In September 1990, I and Sarah established Belgium house church. So the year 2015 was our 25th anniversary. The Bible teaches us that Abraham waited 25 years until he obtained one son Isaac. When I was young, I considered 25 years as too long; but we’ve passed exactly same period as Abraham. I’ve thought about what has been done during this time in my heart & in our house church. And I understand more and more the life of faith of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and apostle Paul.  I understand now how important and precious our house church ministry in Europe & whole world. We are absolutely minority in this mass productive oriented society. It seems that our fruit is so tiny & even invisible. But I have faith that the most important thing is to obey God & to depend on Him continually.

I believe that God’s calling for our UBF meeting is disciple making through one to one Bible study in each house church. When sister Gael and brother Romeo stopped bible study with us after almost 10 years of relationship, we were not motivated to go up to campus. But when I opened the Bible, Jesus gave his disciples one clear direction as his last word: “Make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28:19)

I take again this direction for next 25 years in Belgium. Jesus commanded us to teach them to obey everything that he has commanded. May God help me to serve several students in 2016 according to this direction. Amen.

4. Prayer Topics

  1. Joshua Lee: John’s gospel study & SWS message
  2. One to one: Joshua Jr. (22, ULB economics 3rd, Exodus), Mai (Marketing 3rd, Genesis), Timothy (18, High School 3rd, John) / their school study & orientation
  3. Sarah Lee: to be more developed in skill & in language as pre-school teacher, to serve one student with bible study, health (lose weight, back pain)
  4. French nations: monthly bible study led by each member (France, Swiss, Belgium)
  5. Paul Lee (13): to have capacity to follow school (special school)