Zimbabwe UBF New Year Report

by WMD   01-29-2016   0 reads

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.” Hebrews 12:2a 

This year marks the 20th year of our ministry in Zimbabwe. We really thank God who has blessed our ministry. Missionary James has worked for 20 years. He has confessed it is really by God’s grace that he was saved and could learn Jesus and follow the way of the Lord. We thank God for our coworker’s life of faith and being self-supporting. We pray to raise many self-supporting men of faith. We also pray to raise up our leaders who work hard and serve God’s mission by faith. 

Shepherd Lovemore, Onward, Obet, and Tarisai graduated medical school and are now working as junior doctors. They are working at Harare and began to give tithes. We really pray for them to be faithful for God’s mission and serve many patients by faith. Among them, shepherd Tapiwa is repeating one subject and we pray that he may pass the exam and become a doctor by next year. He learned humility through his failure. He has realized it is by the love of God who helped him to depend on God. 

Shepherd Last has a nursing science degree but he struggled a lot to find a job in South Africa and Zimbabwe. He had been to S. A. to look for a job but it was not easy. In this hard time, he did not fall into despair but he learned faith and received one word, “My grace is sufficient for you.” He has received hard training through his job problem but we thank God for his spiritual growth. Shepherd Stewart, Moses Obason, and Chikura brothers are also in their final year and we are praying for them to find jobs after graduation. 

Our leaders recited Bible verses every week for 20 verses. Our center supported them with 10 dollars for those who memorized verses. We had 5-6 members and it has increased to 20 members. Through faithful bible reciting, we pray to plant God’s words in their hearts. Shepherd Stewart confesses that through Bible memorizing he has learned to be faithful, even though he struggled a lot to be faithful. He is praying to be pure and live life without impurity and to be a good shepherd and establish a God-fearing house church. 

Missionary Samuel and Anna Lee brought many sheep through teaching Korean at the University of Zimbabwe. He served Faith, Lilian, Tabada, Chikura, and Kenan. Missionary Petra also joined to teach Korean for one semester. 

Zimbabwe has a serious economic problem and the cost of living is very high. In this situation, Missionary Caleb’s family has a photo business and they serve campus sheep. They are serving many students. Even though their business was not doing well, they faithfully gave their tithes. We pray for their family to learn faith and to show a good example of a lay missionary and to be a good influence on our leaders.

We studied 1 and 2 Samuel and Romans. We learned that God raised a leader to save his people. We believe that God raises leaders for this nation. God raises those who belong to him and those who loves him. It was not easy to be a lay missionary, but by showing a good example of a lay missionary, we can also give a clear message to our growing leaders and children how to live by faith. 

Prayer topics for 2016:

  • To fix our eyes to Jesus
  • Our junior doctors to faithfully give tithe and establish house churches
  • Shepherd Stuwart, Moses, Obason, Chikura, Faith, and Lilian to find job after graduation and become Bible teachers
  • To continue Bible reciting and plant the word of God.
  • Missionary Samuel to register Seojong hakdang and serve one-to-one ministry.