Santa Cruz II UBF Bible Conference, Bolivia

by WMD   02-17-2016   0 reads

“God of slow people, God flowed with mercy!”

  The Bible conference of Santa Cruz UBF II was held February 6-9, titled “Young man, get up!” I newly met and learned “God of slow people, God flowed with mercy,” by repenting of a quick temper to respond with “quickly, quickly,” a temper characterized by Koreans, as I prepared for and served the conference.   

  Two shepherdesses, Milca and Ximena were raised as Bible speakers for the first time. On the evening of the first day, sister Milca boldly delivered a message, “Young man, get up” (Luke 7:11-17), so that she herself might come out of a bier of fatalism, a bier of self-consciousness.     

  On the evening of the second day, sister Ximena heard a voice of hope from God, through the word, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior” (Judges 6:1-17). Her face was always dark with timidity, self-consciousness, and a sense of inferiority as the youngest daughter in her family, but her face became bright as she carefully heard God’s word.     

  On the second day, through the first main lecture (John 5: M. Marcos Shin), we met the Lord Jesus of hope who visited and raised up one who had been an invalid for thirty eight years, that had been defeated, abandoned to despair, and had been dying, laying by a pool called Bethesda (“House of Mercy”). We learned that this Jesus and his words are the only true Bethesda to us, who live with a sense of defeat and despair in a competitive society. 

  Most of all, on the third day, through the second main lecture (John 8: M. Rut Shin), many souls suffering due to the agony of a guilty conscience, sin, and Satan’s accusation due to sins of immorality which hold many in bondage in this age, were set free. Many attendants who participated in the conference with serious and dark faces were truly made bright and everyone’s heart became as light as a feather. 

  Brothers, Eduardo and Fernando, with sisters, Milca and Ximena, each had a sense of responsibility as a servant and were so willing to prepare the spiritual environment and praise for the conference. We were very much encouraged by this. 

  In particular, on the evening of the second day, through the life testimony of brother Nicolas, who was invited from Buenos Aires UBF I in Argentina, everyone was moved by the amazing grace and providence of God that has guided him powerfully throughout his life full of instability.

  At a talent contest on the evening of the third day, brother Juan encouraged the brother by praising God with the word made by him, who had been moved by Nicolas’ life testimony on the previous evening. Through this conference, the work of God was evident as new sheep came to the conference, and sheep with whom we had become acquainted with but left the ministry also attended. 

 Brother Saul, my first sheep as a missionary in Bolivia came, though partially. He shared with me that he received new direction to live a spiritual life in God, confessing that his life as a natural man without mission had been tiring and meaningless.   

 In addition, God newly sent sister Felicidad and her son Vidal (Architecture 2, Gabriel Automat Univ.), and brother Paul (Medical College 1, Private Univ. of Aquino Bolivia), who had avoided and stopped one to one Bible study and Sunday worship service during that time. Brother Eduardo’s parents and brother Martin’s two daughters also participated partially. In total God brought 27 people to this conference, including partial attendants.   

  God provided and guided us to a very beautiful place for the conference site, a place that is serene, cool, and thickly covered with trees and woods. He moved the hearts of sister Marian’s parents who let us have the conference at their rural mansion, in Porongo, a town just about 30 minutes away from the city. Sister Marian and brother Eduardo are preparing to establish their house church through much prayer in April. 

  This conference was a blessed conference. Once more we realized that the Lord Jesus and his words are the only hope for souls whose minds have shriveled up and been crushed due to Spanish colonial rule, depraved souls due to broken families, and for Bolivian souls who are anxious and self-consciousness, living under the power of sin, the agony of a guilty conscience, and Satan’s accusation to those living in immorality that holds them in bondage. We give all the glory to God the Father, who has granted us his deep grace and has guided us with his mercy! Thank God for all the prayers of missionary co-workers!       

One Word: “Bolivia, Get up!”