God blessed M. Timothy Park’s homecoming ceremony!

by WMD   02-19-2016   0 reads

Dear servant of God,

Thank and praise God for giving us the living hope of the kingdom of God through his Son Jesus Christ through his death on the cross and resurrection. May God strengthen you with his Holy Spirit and enable you to serve God’s mission powerfully.

God blessed M. Timothy Park’s homecoming ceremony, which held on Feb 10-11 accepting all your prayers. Since M. Tim had passed away early in the morning on the 7th at the hospital, we had to prepare for his homecoming ceremony hurriedly with saddened heart. It was only by the help of prayer of many God’s servants that we could have prepared for the event gracefully. We had the service at the funeral home which is located in the west side of Toronto 40 minutes driving-distance from where our center is.  Many coworkers from Korea, China, Germany, U.S.A and Canada including many of our children

came and their presence encouraged the family greatly. Dr. Paul Hong from Toledo UBF delivered a message based on 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 titled, “We live by faith, not by sight.” Dr. Henry Kim, Dr. Andy Stumpf from Canada, Dr. Peter Chang from Germany and Pastor Mark Vucekovich from U.S.A served the ceremony as prayer servants.

Next day (Feb 12) during the burial ceremony, M. Paulus delivered his message based on John 11: 25,26 and Sh. Spurgeon Lee from Korea, M. Joshua Lee, Charles Kim, Samuel G. Lee and Sh. Andrew Christopher from Canada served the burial ceremony as prayer servants. The weather was extremely cold on the day that it was difficult to stay outside even a few minutes. However, many people, around 90, gathered in order to pay their last tribute to M. Timothy and to comport his remaining family. As I saw our coworkers who came far away by taking airplane or by driving car all night, I felt deep love and care from God’s people with tears of thanks in my deep heart. And because of their outpouring love, care and support, the remaining family, M. Joanna and her three daughters were greatly encouraged.

I thank you once again for all your prayers and care for the family. Please, continue to remember M. Joanna and her three children that they may overcome their grief and pain with resurrection faith and living hope of the kingdom of God following the example of their loving husband and father M. Timothy.

As the late M. Timothy who fought the good fight to the end in his sickness, all of our missionaries, bible students, young leaders and children may fight the good fight and run the race to the end, while devoting ourselves to disciple-raising ministry with resurrection faith.

Thank you so much.

In Christ,

Paulus, Humber, Canada