Slovakia UBF Mission Report 2015

by WMD   02-25-2016   0 reads

Have Faith in God

Key Verse: Mark 11:22 – “ 'Have faith in God,' Jesus answered.”

I pray to think deeply about the work God has done among coworkers in Slovakia and to remind us of God's grace so that we realize what God wants to teach us. Above all, let us pray to realize God's will for the coming year and to obey him.

God helped us prepare the holy vessel of life.

Since 2013, God has been working among us. In July 2013, God sent Min-Suk und Eun-Young to our family. Also, God sent M. Grace Choi from Egypt to Slovakia. In October, br. Kang-Gu Park who already had Slovakian residency, started Bible study. In 2014, M. Grace Choi was officially commissioned as a missionary for Slovakia. God blessed her faith because she acted by faith. God gave her an employment as Korean language teacher at the international school in Bratislava. Got established a beautiful house church between M. Grace and Kang-Gu Park.

God also had another plan. For 2015, he gave us his word from Acts 2:46-47 so that we would challenge making a new vessel. God gave us a pleasant landlord, financially responsible people, and esp. prayerful coworkers. In July, God granted us a 2-story house where we could establish a vessel of life. God gave us Psalm 23 as a foundation stone for our fellowship. God also gave us a new direction with Deut. 6:5 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” – and John 13:34 – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Through Ez. 37:10, God gave us vision to establish a large flock through our fellowship. I praise God who always works new things in our lives.

God sent many guests to our fellowship.

In February, Shp. Luke Hur's family came from Korea, M. Charles and Pauline Kim's family from England, and M. Isaac and Rebecca Jung's family from Hungary. In March, br. Joong-Woo came in order to have common life with Min-Suk until June. Joong-Woo's father works with Kia Motors in Zilina which is far from Bratislava so that he comes home only once a week. His mother was worried about his school efforts and traveled to Korea in order to inquire about university entrance regulation. There were many advisors and many Korean churches. The parents entrusted him to us instead of applying and large companies. They support our church with delicious food and also financially. After 3 months, Joong-Woo decided to go to Korea and said he wanted to return to Slovakia as a missionary. God is a God of surprise. In April, Dr. Meong Wan Kim came to Slovakia who serves East Asian countries in music. He had lovely prayerful fellowship with M. Don-Ho Soon and Mi-Hyun Kim. God sent M. Joseph Ahn to us who served us with Matt. 6:33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” He went to M. Lukas' workplace and prayed for God's blessing, there.  He also blessed our family to be spiritual parents for Min-Suk und Eun-Young. All coworkers in Slovakia joined a common worship service in Austria which gave us great joy. There, God showed us that the best life is to seed God's kingdom and his righteousness, first.

In June, M. Don-Ho's 3 children who all study in Ireland, came to visit us: Young Wha, Young Che, and Young Eun. They had fellowship with Min-Suk, Eun-Young and Joong-Woo. They came to know the challenging life in Jesus Christ and received much grace. God blessed our prayer that these young souls would discover the clear goal of life in God and serve this generation as his servants.

In July, we could move into the new Bible house through the help of Jae-Ho, Chan-Woo and M. Don-Ho's children. God gave us great joy.

In September, God sent 2nd gen Grace Kim from Hungary to us. God sent 2nd gen Polin Park to us for 3 months. Ah-Young and another sister also came upon the news of M. Grace's marriage.

God gave us grace to invite the friends of M. Lukas as prayer coworkers. We shared with them the grace of God who works in a house church. At that time, M. Peter Chang and Stephanus Park from Bonn visited us so that we could learn the history of coworking. We had Bible study from Nehemiah and fellowship and prayed for a spiritual awakening in Europe.

In November, God sent M. Daniel Yang from Austria. God also sent M. Hanna Shin and David Shin to give us the word, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!”, and we shared God's grace. M. Hanna's love and challenging spirit encouraged the coworkers in Slovakia. The spiritually mature mother of Min-Suk and Eun-Young encouraged the two and helped them long for the beautiful life in God.

God showed us how he loves us by sending many guests from different nations. I praise the love of God.

God raises each of us as a father or mother of many nations.

It is a great grace to serve other people and have common life with them. But this life is not easy. God blessed each of us through this sacrificial life and helped us establish a stable fellowship. He helped M. Ester to recover in order for her to serve her Korean family. God blessed her Korean language courses richly and helped her to continue serving. She was physically strong enough to prepare 100 rolls of Kimbab one night and to make kimchi from 100 cabbages for this winter.

M. Grace Choi is maturing in faith, even though serving many guests made her tired. God is raising her as a mother of nations. Through her serving life, she became the best cook, preparing  Jjajangmyeon, Doenjangguk, Bossam and Memilmuk herself. She focusses on learning Slovakian language and is challenging the course of becoming a professor for Korean language at Comenius University.

M. Lukas Park serves guests from all his heart. He leads campus Bible study faithfully every Thursday. He receives God's word from his heart and obeys it absolutely. In this way, his faith keeps growing and he roots in God's word. He prays to open a branch of a Korean chain restaurant. He prays for business school students.

I thank God very much for training each of us in his love.

God gave us direction to master the language

I am enthusiastic when I think of the grace and vision of God for our church. Mastering the Slovakian language is the challenge to overcome first. I could not serve Sunday messages in Slovakian. I had many excuses, e.g., caring for M. Lukas and being busy, etc. For these reasons, I held worship services in Korean. God was not pleased. That took my joy away. A sense of defeat is deeply rooted in my heart. But God helped me to overcome it. God gave me the direction to obey him by serving the message in Slovakian. Through this training, God raises me as a man of faith. It was a challenge for our house church. God gave us a holy desire to heed God's vision. God bore with me, a lazy, incompetent servant. He did not leave me alone. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

God's word and direction for the new year

through faith, I receive God's word and direction for the new year. The key verse is Mark 11:22 – “ 'Have faith in God,' Jesus answered.”

Prayer topics:

1. To master Slovakian language by faith – doing Daily Bread and Sunday message in Slovakian.

2. Disciple-making ministry by faith – 12 one-to-one teams.

3. To find many spiritual treasures among Slovakian students and to establish the foundation for raising 365 heroes of faith.

4. To find the treasures in God's word by loving God's word.