by WMD   03-01-2016   0 reads

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT REPORT by Ron Ward, Department Chairman

The Education Department included the following persons:

Education Administration--Kevin Albright

Conference/Workshop Program Committee-- Mark Vucekovich, Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Jose Ahn

Bible Study Material Committee--Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Augustine Suh, Ron Ward

Education Programs Development Committee--Kevin Albright, Augustine Suh, Mark Yang, Paul Hong, Mark Yoon, Mark Vucekovich, Teddy Hembekides

Assignments in the Education Programs Development Committee:

New Staff: Mark Vucekovich, Ron Ward, Teddy Hembekides

New & Continuing Missionary Training: Mark Yang, Kevin Albright

Leaders from Overseas to HQ: Ron Ward, Mark Yang

Thematic Bible Study: Paul Hong, Mark Yang, Ron Ward, Teddy Hembekides

Theological Articles:  Augustine Suh, Ben Westerhoff

Chapter Director/Leader Development: Paul Hong, Mark Vucekovich, Ron Ward

Intern Training: Ron Ward, Little Sarah Kim, Sam Toh

Mother Barry's Bible Study Class: Sarah Barry, Mark and Anna Yang

    The Education Department (E.D.) was active in 2015 to further and enhance the education of UBF leaders and members in the following ways:

1.  STAFF CONFERENCE. The annual UBF North America Staff Conference was held on June 17-20, at Colorado State University with the title, “The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ Jesus” (Php 3:8). About 160 leaders (staff members and their spouses) attended and studied the entire book of Philippians in 5 lessons. Messages were delivered by David Miller (Cincinnati), Philip Wong (Montreal), Dr. John Baik (El Camino), Russell Kille (Toledo), and Dr. Helen Rarick (Chicago). Selected chapter reports were shared by David Kim (Miami), Dr. Abraham McIlhenny (West L.A.) and Paulus Cha (Humber). Selective mission reports were shared by Dr. William Altobar (the Philippines), Paul Kim (Chun Cheon, Korea), and Isaac Choi (Kangreung, Korea). World mission prayer was offered by continental regions for the CIS, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Canada, the USA and Korea UBF. A special lecture was given by Stephen Lutz, a nationally-known campus evangelist and author of “King of the Campus.” On the final day of the conference, members shared their testimonies based on one word they received from Philippians. Finally, Pastor Abraham Kim shared prayer topics to hold on to the words of Philippians, for North American student ministry and sending out missionaries, as well as the Latin American Regional conference in Venezuela and the World Mission Report 2016 in Korea.

    Regional staff conferences were held at the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015 according to the needs and capability of each region. 

2.  FULL-TIME STAFF TRAINING. Full-time staff shepherd training continued in 2015 in the Midwest Region. Staff members met every other Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for Bible study, as well as the study of Christian history, New Testament theology and Christian counseling. Each chapter leader shared their prayer topics and prayer was offered for each campus ministry. The main book covered in Bible study was Hebrews. P. Teddy Hembekides led this study. The Christian history topics covered included the Age of Ideologies, and the Age of Global Expansion and Relocation. Lectures were given by Dr. Augustine Suh. The New Testament theology study was led by Dr. Ezra Cho. He gave lectures over all the books of the New Testament via video conference. P. David Baik and Dr. Grace Sun Lee gave lectures on Christian counseling. P. Kevin Albright prepared and administered quizzes over each study and the grades of each staff member were posted. In addition to these programs, Dr. Roy Oxnevad, from Wheaton College, gave us a special lecture on evangelization of Muslims.

    The study materials used for full-time staff training have been developed with the goal of providing them for the use of all UBF leaders worldwide. They will be made available on the new UBF Education Website in 2016.

3. BIBLE STUDY TEAMS. The HQ Bible study team, consisting of Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Ron Ward, Kevin Albright and Augustine Suh met regularly and prepared materials for the study of Philippians at the annual staff conference, as well as an introduction and study questions on Hebrews. The Bible study team also prepared material for the Leadership Development Workshop on discipleship that was held in 2015. The Bible study team plans to make an introduction and study questions on 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Romans in 2016.

4.  LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP.  At the direction of P. Abraham Kim, a Leadership Development Workshop began in 2014 continued in 2015. This is a three-year program formulated around the topic of “Discipleship.” This plan covers the next three years as follows:

YEAR ONE: 2014

I.   Follow Me (I): Calling and Commitment

    1.  Who is a disciple?

    2.  Calling—Finding a New Life Direction

    3.  The Purpose of Being with Jesus

    4.  How to be with Jesus in his Word

    5.  How to be with Jesus through Prayer and Worship

    6.  The Cost and Blessings of Following Jesus

YEAR TWO: 2015

II.  Follow Me (II): Growing in a Christ-centered life

    1.  Followership

    2.  Character Formation

    3.  Servant Leadership

    4.  Lordship

    5.  Participating in Jesus’ Suffering and Glory

    6.  Discipleship and the Holy Spirit


III. Make Disciples of All Nations: To be sent out

    1.  Evangelistic Fieldwork

    2.  Relational Aspect of Making Friends with Others as Jesus Did

    3.  Cross-Cultural Relationships

    4.  Incarnational Ministry to Be All Things to All People

    5.  Respecting Diverse People as Jesus Did 

    6.  Jesus’ Principles: Depend on God, Compassion, Kingdom-mindset

    The second workshop was held November 5-7, 2015 at the Chicago chapter in the Leningrad house. The participants included: P. Abraham Kim, Paul Choi, Russell Kille, David Kim, Teddy Hembekides, Abraham McIlhenny, Andrew Christopher, Mark Yang, Steve Stasinos, Moses Noh, Ron Ward, Philip Lee, Juan Seo, Kevin Albright, David Won, David K. Lee, Stephen Yang, Augustine Suh, Andy Stumpf and Joshua Hong. P. David Baik and Henry Park, as well as Elder David Choi attended the joint sessions. Prior to meeting together, participants divided into groups of about three each. Each group worked to develop materials on their assigned topic. At the workshop each group presented their material and received the feedback of all participants. After revision, we plan to publish the materials in a discipleship manual for UBF ministry. 

5.  VISITING FOR BIBLE STUDY. Mark Yang and Ron Ward visited Moscow and served a messenger retreat in March. The Moscow area Sunday messengers attended and we learned together how to study the Bible, prepare and deliver messages. Mark Yang led special workshops on “Gosepl Centered Life and a Gospel Centered Community.” These were held in Canada at Toronto (joined by St. George, York, North York and Ryerson), Ottawa, Hamilton, and Edmonton. They are also held in Germany (Heidelberg, Bonn and Cologne). Augustine Suh visited Los Angeles in November and shared special lectures on Calvinism.