North America UBF Report

by WMD   03-01-2016   0 reads

North America UBF Report 2015 by Mark Vucekovich

In 2015 our UBF ministry key verse was: “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ” (2Co4:6). We prayed that, in the midst of whatever sufferings we may be going through, we might really see God’s glory in Christ and be strengthened and inspired. 

Here is a brief overview of our North American ministries last year.

  • New chapters in 2015: Tampa, FL (David & Praise Cho); Washington State U. (Isaiah & Dream Lim); Baltimore III (Andrew & Joanna Park). *Besides these new chapters, Joseph & Grace Jung’s family went from ChongRo3 in Korea to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Let’s pray for these families in new mission fields.  *Also, DuPage UBF received Jason & Anastasia Perry’s family (NJ) and Isaac Baek’s family (Wilmington, NC); *Milwaukee UBF received Peter Kim’s family (Iowa City); *LAUBF received Andrew Kim’s family (Sacramento). Let’s also pray for these families as they co-work in these chapters. Closed chapters in 2015: Iowa City, IA; Wilmington, NC; Sacramento, CA; U. de Montreal.
  • University students at Sunday worship services (2015 weekly averages): Based on the reporting we received, the top ten chapters with the highest average numbers of undergrads on Sundays: Chicago—91; El Camino—75; Washington—37; Los Angeles—20; Hyde Park, Chicago—16; St. George—16; New York—15; Springfield, IL—14; Toronto—14; North York—12. Altogether, Canada had a weekly average of 118 students, and the USA, 430; our total weekly average of undergrads in North America was 548. Thank God especially for all our small house church ministries struggling to bring students to worship God together in their homes. Even as we minister to all the members in our local UBF communities, let’s pray that we can continue reaching out on campus and develop student-friendly environments in our local chapters, full of God’s love and God’s word, where college students can grow as Jesus’ disciples.
  • Easter: Here are just a few highlights of our Easter celebrations: Montreal UBF had 41 attendants with several newcomers; the Great Lakes Region had 72 attendants; IIT & Loyola UBF ministries (Chicago) had 61 attendants, with ten LU students and four IIT students; Milwaukee UBF brought eleven new students. In 2016 may God pour out his Spirit on our Easter celebrations and enable us to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • Annual staff conference: In June 160 people, staff and their wives, gathered at Colorado State University to study Philippians in five lessons and to hear a special lecture from Pastor Stephen Lutz. Our staff conference title was: “The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ.” Everyone was blessed through the Bible studies and fellowship. So as not to interfere with summer conferences, from 2016 we will hold our annual staff conference in August. May God continue to inspire and equip our staff to lead students to Jesus and help them grow as his disciples.
  • Summer conferences: Here are some highlights: Canada UBF’s conference had 288 attendants, with the title: “Faith That Pleases God”; Los Angeles UBF had 107 attendants, with the title: “Walk Before Me”: the mid-Atlantic Region had over 200 attendants, with the title: “The Kingdom of God is at Hand”; the Midwest/Missouri Valley Regions had 604 attendants, with the title: “Follow Me”; New York’s summer conference title was: “Come To Me!” At all these conferences there were Bible messages, group Bible studies, reflection writing and sharing, and life testimonies, as well as mission reports. God’s word, his Spirit and love challenged, refreshed and inspired us all to pray for one another, for our campuses and nation, and for the world.
  • Special meetings: In March Chicago UBF hosted Campus Night in March to learn about the importance and history of campus ministry; also in March NJUBF had their 25th anniversary celebration; in August there was a UIC Student Conference; in September Canada UBF had a Labor Day Discipleship Workshop; Chicago UBF hosted a House Church Symposium in September, as well as Dr. Samuel Lee’s Memorial Service in October and the Leadership Development Workshop in November; at their Harvest Festival in November Washington UBF had their 40th anniversary celebration.
  • North American missionaries: At our summer conferences we could see that God has been blessing, growing and using the missionaries sent out from North America. Washington UBF heard from the following: Susan Lee (Germany), Sarah Yun Jr. (China), Grace Chun and Anna Seo Jr. (Uganda), Allison Haga (Taiwan), Charles Renquena (Belize) and Philip Brown (China). Midwest/Missouri Valley UBF heard from: Heather Kumanichliev (Bulgaria), Ruth Thompson (St. Petersburg, Russia), and John Peace (Podil, Ukraine), as well as others. Montreal UBF sent Luke Hong Jr. to Uganda. Sarah Lomahan served in Zambia. Hannah and PK joined DK in Korea. Let’s keep praying for all the missionaries sent from North America UBF, and that God would continue to call and send missionaries through us, both short-term and permanent.
  • Continuing Missionary Education (CME): In 2015 Dr. John Jun and Dr. Mark Yang both visited missionaries throughout North America to have Bible studies with them, and coworkers were strengthened and encouraged wherever they went. Thank God for their diligent Bible teaching, prayers and love. Isaac & Rebecca Choi also visited several places in North America last year to help families in the Christian education of their children.
  • Ten weddings in 2015: Francis Choi & Theresa Sung (Chicago/London, Ontario); Sam Altobar & Heather Stanke (Philippines/Hyde Park, Chicago); Troy Segale & Sarah Seo (LA/Waterloo); Nate Turnock & Marie Juarez (Philadelphia/Chicago); Vihn Nguyen & Francesca Park (Milwaukee/ Chicago); T & L (Edmonton/Ottawa); Matthew Sohn & Deborah Chang (Korea/Edmonton); Leibins Rivas & Diana Guzman (Venezuela/Chicago); Matt Groters and Lucy Wu (Chicago); Michael Lanier & Hershey Del Rosario (St. Louis/Antipolo, Philippines). Let’s pray for these precious new couples as they build their marriages on the lordship of Christ and serve him together.
  • Personal visiting ministry: In January I visited Deborah Lee in Chennai, India. She also came to visit us in Chicago in June/July. Through her, John Albright was hired in August to work for a year as a tutor in Chennai, and they began having Genesis group Bible studies on a campus in Chennai on Sundays. In January, after visiting India UBF, I visited local house church ministries in Beijing, China. I was inspired by their worship and sincerity toward God’s word. Afterwards, I attended the Asian Directors’ conference in Singapore and the Mideast Directors’ conference in Turkey. In Singapore it was good to see IH, VL and Eileen from Malaysia, and Steve Haga and Philip Brown. I was also encouraged by the house church ministry of Point and Rebekah in Turkey. In August Kathy and I visited Austin UBF and MSU UBF, in September, New York UBF, in November, New Albany UBF, and in December, Toledo UBF. We were especially encouraged to see Rocky and Theresa Myall’s family thriving at MSU. Thank God for his people in every place who love him and his word and who love North American young people.

Prayer for 2016:

Our UBF ministry key verse for this year is Hebrews 12:1b,2: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” In our lives each of us face so many distractions, hindrances and discouragements. May God inspire us all in this new year to fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race of faith with perseverance and joy, believing in God’s promise of the heavenly glory and victory that await us.