2015 CIS Miossion Representive Report

by WMD   03-03-2016   0 reads

2015 CIS Report by Joshua Lee

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” (2 Cor. 4:6)

Thank God for his ongoing gospel work in CIS through our shepherds and missionaries. 

  • 2015 CIS New Year Director’s conference 

From January 2 to 4, 2015, the 2015 CIS New Year Directors' conference was held at a retreat center located on a beautiful beach of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan. A total of 75 people attended including 10 guests. P. Abraham Kim delivered the New Year message based on 2 Cor. 4, "The Gospel: God's Glory Displayed in the Face of Christ." He encouraged CIS gospel servants that when we have the gospel light, that is God's glory in our hearts, we will not be discouraged in any difficult situation; rather we can live a victorious and fruitful mission life. There was a special lecture by M. Caleb Choi from Kyrgyzstan, with the title of "Nestorian's Ministry on the Silk Road." He lectured that although the Silk Road is only known for the trade between the East and West, in fact, God used the route for delivering the gospel. Through this lecture, 15 Central Asian native shepherds were greatly encouraged to know that once their countries were Christian nations and to have God’s vision to restore them through the gospel. 

And there was a 2nd Generation conference there alongside the Director’s conference. 9 children attended from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan and Russia. Peter Ryu and Jane Hand served them. The 2nd gen children learned their identity, as a royal priesthood and a holy nation based on 1 Peter 2:9 in their young age. They also had presentations about their languages, cultures, food, people and personal experiences of living as Christians with love for their parents, ministries and nations, and prayed for each other with passion and unity.

  • Kyrgyzstan

Through the New Year conference in Kirgizstan God greatly encouraged coworkers there. Rebecca-Zhanul in Bishkek has been growing as a 1:1 Bible teacher and a steward of God’s ministry, working together with Mark and Ruth Phang. In Osh God sent native students to worship service and Sunday message had to be interpreted into Kyrgyz. M. Caleb Kim prays to be able to deliver Sunday message in Kyrgyz, and M. Isaac Lim supports God’s ministry there in many ways, especially through Sejong Institute. 

  • Kazakhstan

Astana UBF had leaders’ conference in June 5-7, with the title “You give them something to eat” (Mk 6:37a). M. David Kim from Indianapolis, USA, served this conference as the main lecturer. According to the report, through the conference God worked among the shepherd families to restore morning devotion and serving fishing ministry together. Thank God that he restored M. David Byun’s business from the damage caused by fire and now the business is running well again.In Astana II, M. Francis and Susanna Yoon keep prayer meeting every day along with a faithful Bible student.  

Almaty UBF led by Abraham Stas are doing the work of God well together. Shepherdess Mahiriam who has served sister’s ministry is going to establish a family of God with a shepherd in Korea in January, 2016. 

  • Dushanbe, Tajikistan

M. James Ahn is faithfully coming to the New Year Conference, even together with the oldest daughter Yaerang 16 years old. 

  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan

M. Gideon Park struggles hard for the ministry of God’s word, and pray for Lulia's  marriage. 

  • Ukraine

Kiev UBF constantly prayed for peace and revival in Ukraine. Last year native front leaders prepared and delivered Sunday message in Ukrainian, taking turns: Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Jonathan, Jaroslav, Samurai, Gentleman, and Watchman.

In Istanbul, Turkey God blessed M. Point and Rebekah’s sacrificial life for the last 10 years and did a great work by establishing a house church between Abraham Nikolav and Sarah Nevin last October. 

Podil UBF often visited East region in Ukraine and took care of some people and supported churches there. Especially Natasha and Yulia were active in the voluntary work. 

Odessa UBF celebrated the 20 year anniversary, having the Jubilee conference with the theme, “Faith, Hope, Love” on May 8 – 10. Thank God for the discipleship ministry in Odessa. 

In Dnepropetrovsk S. Abraham and Sarah Vasilenko have been keeping their life of faith and mission serving God’s flock of sheep with the word of God. 

  • Riga, Latvia 

M. Caleb Kim from Riga, Latvia, finished his race of faith in Christ Jesus and received God’s calling to heaven on August 5, 2015. Since 1994, M. Caleb served campus mission in Russia for 13 years and in Latvia for 6 years. His wife M. Esther decided to remain in the mission field along with her daughter Esher Jr. God blessed her decision and granted them a permanent visa in an impossible situation. M Timothy Kang was raised as the new director of Latvia UBF.  

  • Minsk, Belarus

Paul and Hannah Oh pray earnestly for their children Lydia and Samuel who are in university to grow as gospel coworkers and good stewards for the growing ministry. 

  • Moscow, Russia

Moscow UBF had messenger conference inviting Pastor Ron and Dr. Mark Yang in March 12-14. Alexey Belykh and other shepheds learned about inductive Bible study, Jesus-centered message and independent study of the Bible. 

And they had SBC in August 28-30 with about 100 attendants. Their theme was “Lord, Change Me.” This was the conference where 2nd gens and other young people actively participated and were greatly encouraged.  

MGIMO UBF prays for Shepherdess. Paula’s house church. S. Daniel Zhivaev supported St. Petersburg Spring Conference and Moscow SBC as a messenger.   

MSTU (Bauman) UBF held a fall conference by faith. God blessed this conference and worked in the heart of George that he accepted God’s call to Abram and committed his life to God.  

RUDN UBF, M. Andrew and Josephine Choi, pray for Sh. Irina to stand firm as a Bible teacher and as a mother of prayer for her husband to the world of faith, and pray for M. Josephine’s health.

In MISIS UBF God raised M. Paul Choi as the director after M. Anna’s Kim who served God’s work sacrificially bringing up her 4 sons all by herself. 

  • St. Petersburg 

They held a joint spring conference 2015 with St. Petersburg Art UBF. 48 people attended including Sh. Alexey Belykh from Moscow and Sh. Daniel Zhivaev from MIGMO who supported this conference. They also had a united SBC together with St. Petersburg, Minsk, RUDN, Perm, St. Petersburg Art UBF, on August 21-13. The title was “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Mt 6:33), and 52 people attended. Sh. Sergei shared God’s grand hope in his message based on Genesis 12. According to the report, particularly all 2nd gens served this conference with all their ability and stewardship. They were joyful and greatly encouraged. 

  • Yekaterinburg

M. David and Rebekah Lee kept their faith in the midst of hardships, fighting back for raising new disciples. 

  • Perm

M. Andrew and Grace Mun are faithfully serving and God is sending his flock of sheep

  • Irkutsk

M. Andrew and Rebecca Ella Han pray to actively preach the gospel. 

Thank and praise God for all his work in CIS countries through our sacrificial missionaries and shepherds! May God bless them all the more in the New Year 2016 and continue to advance the gospel in each ministry.