Asia Mission Representative’s Report

by WMD   03-03-2016   0 reads

2015 Asia Mission Representative’s Report by Jacob Lee

“See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."(Isaiah 42:9)

God was with Asian pioneering directors in 2015. God did many news things in Asia expanding the kingdom of God through our faithful mission coworkers. Asia represents the miniature of the whole world. It is very difficult to find a common language among them. But 61% of the world’s population lives in Asia and they became our fertile mission fields. Truly Asia is the field ripe for harvest. UBF sent missionaries to 15 Asian countries so far. There are 11 more countries to pioneer. May God bless Asia to become a rising continent with the world mission vision in 2016!


Asia director’s conference was held at Singapore from January 8 to 10, 2015. Asia director’s conference opening message was delivered by M. Daniel Jeong. Pastor Abraham Kim delivered the first main message with the title “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus” based on Hebrews 12:1-29.  M. Joshua Hong delivered the closing message. Shepherd Gisung Eom gave the special lecture about the book of Jonah. M. Daniel Jeong finished his term as the continental director and M. Peter Lee from Indonesia became the continental director. Asia is called as the continent of idol worship such as ancestor worship, emperor worship, animal worship, Buddha worship. This continent will be the last spiritual battle ground to reach out many unreached people of the world before the second coming of Jesus. Asia is the mission field to preach the gospel. God will open our eyes to send many mission workers to Asia. 

Fourteen national directors shared their reports with vision and hope. God is working powerfully in India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Brunei, Sri-Lanka, and Taiwan. The following people shared the report:  Andy Ahn from Singapore, M. Peter Lee from Indonesia, M. Bansuk Peter Lee, M. John Jeong from Philippines, M. Paul Kwon from Mongolia, M. Barnabas Baek- from Sri-Lanka, M. Andrew Chung from Brunei, M. Daniel Jeong from Japan, M. Angela Kim from Hong Kong, M. Doyel Lee from Cambodia, S. Bayamagni from Mongolia and M. Jimmy Lee from India.  We saw that Asia is a vast field ripe for harvest. Asia is replete with many different religions-Tribal worship, Hindu, Unbelieving communists, Muslims, and Buddhists. We all decided to pioneer Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Laos, and Myanmar by faith. Please pray for Asia to become missionary sending nations and do many new things for the world mission.

There will be the 10th Asian director’s conference in India January 5-7, 2017. Sixteen directors will attend this conference to pray for the work of God in Asia in 2016. Through this conference God may bless all 14 Asian countries to preach the secret of the gospel in 2016. God may bless them to pioneer all 47 nations in Asia through UBF tent-maker missionaries. Especially, we pray to pioneer North Korea through PUST. Our goal is to encourage more native leaders to attend the conference so that we may prepare the leadership transfer to the local leaders in the near future. 


There are many nations to pioneer in Asia. They need harvest workers and we have to pray for the gospel to penetrate in the most unreached countries in Asia through our tent-maker missionaries. China and India will be a key to reach out all nations with the message of the gospel.  It is unthinkable to have inter-Asian conference with one language but it is important to pray about inter-Asian conference to be done in English in the future as our prayers. 

Prayer topics:

Pray for

  • Personal and national and continental revival in 2016
  • Pioneer 22 Asian countries by God’s vision
  • Be a servant of the mystery of Christ 
  • 2017 Director’s conference in India 
  • M. Peter Lee as a continental director
  • Pioneer Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea

One word: Preach the gospel to all Asian nations