Relief from 2014-2015 Christmas Offerings

by WMD   03-04-2016   0 reads

Relief from 2014-2015 Christmas Offerings

The Christmas offerings collected from UBF world-wide have been dedicated to international humanitarian relief and UBF internal relief in alternate years. 

UBF International HQ deeply thanks all the UBF chapters and their members around the world for their generous and sacrificial giving with the Christmas offerings throughout the years. 2014 Christmas offerings enabled us to participate in building of Bible houses in South Sudan and Philippines.

Report of Relief from 2014 Christmas offerings

A total of US $176,150 was collected from 2014 Christmas offerings:

    USA/Canada   US $114,639             

    Korea               US   $30,373

    Overseas         US   $31,138

As approved by the International Executive Board and International Advisory Members, the fund was allocated to Construction of Bible houses

                     Juba chapter in South Sudan  US $86,545 (not including additional $19,670*) 

                     Antipolo chapter in Philippines  US $59,605

Aid for chapters in difficulty                    US $10,000

Reserve for Bible house construction    US $20,000

* from 2013 Christmas offerings allocated for South Sudan relief

Korea UBF additionally sent relief fund for the earthquake victims in Nepal (US $54,000) through three agencies and for Syrian refugees in Lebanon (US $27,000) through Global care.  

  • Reported by Korea UBF Relief Committee (chair Sh. Moses Kim,

Under diligent oversight of Shep. Padiet Deng and Dr. William Altobar, construction of both Bible houses has advanced.  Juba Bible House in South Sudan is about to be completed. Antipolo Bible House in Philippines has a completed main worship service hall.

Relief Plan from 2015 Christmas offerings

2015 Christmas offering will be dedicated to international humanitarian relief for refugees due to civil wars, earthquake victims, people who suffer in famine, extreme poverty and poor sanitary and healthcare conditions. The first priority will be to help the Syrian refugees. 

Your chapter’s continuing participation in this beautiful act of giving will be greatly appreciated.  If desired, we want to deliver the relief from 2015 Christmas offerings through UBF national/local chapters. If you know people, organizations or agencies that need aid in your country or region, please contact HQ Relief Committee (chair M. David Choi,