Missionary conference news of June 7-8 from Korea

by WMD   06-09-2016   0 reads

Dear world mission prayer coworkers, 

Praise and Thank God who blessed your prayer support!

Altogether we (more than 700 missionaries from around 70 countries, Korean leaders and 5,000 attendees) heard 25 messages, life testimonies and mission reports. We had three Group Bible Studies including testimony sharing. We learned through this intensive Bible study about the whole book of Deuteronomy. Specifically God's strategy to conquer (possess) the Promised Land. It was not through many strategic workshops and meetings but through deep Bible study and listening to God and His word wholeheartedly. We believe God will surely revive UBF world mission to move and posses the remaining 133 nations with the Word of God as a result of these kind of Bible studies.


1. Oyor Moses' (S. Sudan) morning message: Living hope (1 Pet 3.4). He tried many but found only Jesus is his hope and the living hope of Africa and the world!
2. 3 German coworkers special song
3. M. Joseph Kim (Q) ' s 3rd lecture "not only by bread" (Dt 8:3) God disciplined him until he could learn this truth and live with it.
4.. Main points of L3 in a picture
5,6, GBS in English and  Russian
7,8,9. Praise songs
10. Crying prayer 
11. "Mission" Oboe solo
12. Caleb Han's(St. Petersburg) lesson 4 message "Choose life!" Dt 30:19. We have only one choice to make, it is to choose God to live and not die!
13. Cup drums (Christmas in June)
14-16. LT and mission reports : Moody (Q), Mark Lee (Australia), Elias Park (Brazil)

6/8(Wed), the last day of the conference

1. S. Konstantin (Moscow) morning message "You are the light of the world!" He became the light of Moscow, CIS!
2. GBS
3. Trio, Piano, violin, Cello
4. M. Peter Lee (Indonesia): Lesson 5 " The song of Moses." Deut 31-34

We are now departing in two groups: 

Missionaries: to UBF history museum in KwangJu
Second gens and national leaders to SulAk Mt 

We will have wonderful fellowship listening to the Life Testimonies of 2nd gens. Thank and praise God for your prayer for this World Mission Report 2016, which we believe glorified God. Each of us were greatly encouraged by the Word of God including the testimonies of so many from 6 continents. We found we are the most blessed among all people around the world, as those who are allowed to hear the word of God and to be his Holy Nation in this generation!!

Keep praying for 700 missionaries and Korean leaders to have journey mercy to their mission fields.







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