Teacher and Parent Education (T&PE) in Kore

by WMD   09-01-2016   0 reads

    “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”   (Dt. 6:5)

    Our staying in Korea (5/9--6/11) for the 2016 World Mission Report, we had 6 T& P E  as follow:

    Inje UBF (John Kim) -------------------- 5/14             

    Choonchun UBF (Paul Kim) ---------- 5/18         

    Kwangju UBF (Nehemiah Kim) ------ 5/20

    Sunchun UBF (Abraham Cho)  ------ 5/23           

    Jeonju UBF (Moses Y Park) ---------- 5/25          

    Jeju UBF (Mark Cho) ------------------- 5/30

   This year we visited local chapters and presented. The previous visiting Korea we had Seoul chapters. In order to have presentations in Korea, we translated English power point into Korean by the help of young missionary Maria Kim (NU). Through this visiting and presentations we learned several things.

1) Their learning mind. Actually they were in extremely busy condition due to prepare 2016 WMR. Nonetheless they gave us golden time to share our presentation.

2) They eagerly wanted to know about family and parenting the most. We have 4 lectures for T&PE. But they chose only “Family discipleship” among them. 

3) Each chapter which we visited has more children than their parents. This points out where we have to focus on. It is the teacher and parent education. They are the essentials to raise 2nd and 3rd generations to serve God’s life giving works continuously.

    It was a great honor and opportunity to meet our precious coworkers face to face who have been sending many missionaries and supporting them with their sacrificial life of faith for the great commission. Indeed, the almighty God blesses Korea richly with his spiritual blessing to be a missionary sending country.  Praise and thank God!!!

Isaac Choi