2017 Africa UBF New Year Conference

by WMD   12-26-2016   0 reads

2017 Africa UBF New Year Conference (James Lee, Zimbabwe)

We held the 2017 New Year’s Directors/Leaders Conference in South Africa. This conference was hosted by M. Jacob Kim and Wits chapter of South Africa. We had 90 attendants, including 25 second generations. The title of the conference was, “Look Forward to the Day of God.”

M. James Lee of Zimbabwe delivered the opening message titled, “Abraham’s Faith and Hope” (Ro4). M. Livingstone Kang of Uganda delivered a message titled, “With Actions and in Truth” (1Jn 3). The main point was to be complemented by practical love. We are identified as the children of God because of his love so we should show the same love to God and our brothers and sisters. Dr. Abraham Kim gave us the main New Year’s message entitled, “Look Forward to the Day of God.” His message reminded us that our true hope is in Jesus’ Second Coming. With this hope, he encouraged us to look forward to the new heaven and new earth, to live holy and godly lives, and preach the gospel making the most of every opportunity. Shep. Padiet Deng of South Sudan delivered closing message titled: “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” (1Tim 6). He remains in the mission field in the midst of many dangers and insecurity of the new nation.  

Shep. Nehemiah of Kwangju chapter, Korea gave a special lecture titled, “The Kingdom of God and His Covenant.” We could learn that the kingdom of God and His covenant is the key point of the Bible. Dr. Charles Kim from Chicago shared a graceful life testimony.

This year, 17 African chapters all shared their mission reports, mostly by native leaders. We could see growing native leadership in Africa. We could also have a clear New Year’s direction through the graceful Word of God. We would like to give special thanks to Los Angeles chapter, M. Billy Park, Daniel Tourn and Dianza Lopez who served CBF and JBF program. They prepared a very good program and served second gens. We thank Dr. Abraham Kim who traveled all continents for the new year message. In addition, we honor M. Daniel and Miso Lee of South Africa and Dr. Samuel and Anna Lee of Zimbabwe who have become missionaries to Africa.

Prayer topics:

1.2017 Africa Regional conferences;

Spiritual Direction: To establish Native leadership in order to carry out disciple-making ministry and missionary sending work of God for Africa.

2. Missionary Monica Park’s healing, Missionary Peter Park of Nigeria

3. Campus pioneering in Ethiopia through M. Samuel and Mary Yoo; and the new ministry in Durban, South Africa by M. Young Mark and Debbie Kim,

4. South Sudan: Shep. Pediet Deng to overcome many hardships and fight the good fight of faith.

5. 2018 New year’s conference will be held December 15~17, 2017 in Ghana (hosted by M. Truman Lee)