Bonn UBF Christmas Worship Service

by WMD   01-03-2017   0 reads

Thank God for Jesus, the Horn of Salvation!

On Dec. 18, Bonn and Mainz UBF worshipped Jesus, the Horn of Salvation and made offerings for the Bible House of India UBF. More than 150 German students from the campuses of Bonn, Mainz, Koblenz, and Rhein/Seig worshipped Baby Jesus. S. Warmherz Elshols delivered powerful Christmas message, with the title of “The Horn of Salvation” and the family of S. Peter Schweitzer served a moving Christmas drama. All the participants received much grace and joy from the birth of Jesus! On Christmas Eve, S. Joachim Dietzel served the next generations with the message of “The Magi from the East” based on Matthew 2. On Christmas Day, S. Xenofon Grigoriadis delivered a graceful message from Luke 2. On Dec. 26, the 2nd Gen. missionaries visited and served lonely German senior citizens at Rehe Conference Place with a beautiful Christmas music concert. 

Please pray for our preparation of Martin Luther’s 500th Anniversary of Reformation in 2017! Please pray for our early morning prayers so that we can continue to challenge for Europe’s spiritual awakening through the words of God! 

Peter Chang