Caracas UBF Mission 2016

by WMD   02-14-2017   0 reads

2016 Caracas UBF Mission Report

Mt 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”

We Thank God for letting us participate in his redemption work in Venezuela and the World. This is a report of the work of God in Caracas UBF ministry during  2016.

Early Year Conferences Focused on Communion and Strengthening of Church Members: Until now, we had held the only one conference at the beginning of the year, called a conference of leaders. However we realized that to be more effective we needed greater diversification according to the maturity of the brothers and sisters. In this way, for the first time we had a conference of elders, conference of fraternity leaders, conference of men and conference of women. Through these four conferences during February, March and April, the members were edified in faith and our communion was  strengthened.

Elders' Conference: We studied Special Words of Discipleship on Mark, shared topics of thanks, and prayed for direction for  our ministry.

2016 L. A. Directors’ Conference: Gustavo and Katiuska Prato participated in the conference of Latin American Directors on January 2016 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Sh. Gustavo had a grace to deliver the message, “God, who restored Elijah"(1 Kings 19). It was a great strengthening and learning for all the words and seminars we had. We strengthened the bonds of love in Christ among the missionaries and peasants of our ministry throughout Latin  America.

Leaders’ Conference, entitled "Put our eyes on Jesus": We had special Bible studies on Discipleship based on Mark (G. Prato) and special presentations on A History of Christian University Movement(Leaders). Special Bible study and message from Hebrews 12: 1-2 (John Baek). We shared thanksgiving topics and Biblical testimony. It was a good time to strengthen communion in Christ and receive a spiritual direction for the  year.

Men's Conference for "Men of God": In this conference addressed to the men of the ministry, they were renewed in the midst of a deep work of repentance, strengthening our identity as men of God. We had a special message on Esteban, a man "Full of grace and power"(Rafael Ayala), special presentations on "The Character of the Man of God"(Luis Bárcenas), "How to fight the temptation"(Alirio Rosales), a Bible Study and Message about the life of Joseph the son of Jacob (John C. Vivas), times of worships and prayers for each other and share testimonies. We came back   very encouraged to continue serving the  Lord.

Women's Conference for "A Woman of God": A Bible study and message on “Women, based on Proverbs 31"(Yenny Rosales), Mother Sarah Barry's Life Testimony(Yurmerys B., Abigail R. and Carmen S.), Conversation Panel guided by  a shepherdess of our ministry where sisters were able to talk about topics of interest and strengthen communion in Christ. There was also prayer for topics of the ministry. It was a powerful conference in which sisters received grace and guidance to be a source of blessing for Venezuela and the world from the words on women, Proverbs 31. 

Discipleship Conference (Discipleship 2015-2016): By the grace of God, new disciples of Jesus were raised after finishing the six month discipleship program. The discipleship was led by the family of Alirio and Yenny Rosales. The Disciples Conference in Pozo de Rosas was titled "Abide in Jesus.” Each disciple changed into a man or woman of faith and shared each one’s touching testimony. After the conference they kept participating in the Sunday worship service and studying the Bible. We pray that they may stand firmly growing in a grace and knowledge of  Christ.

SUMMER CONFERENCES 2016 (Jesus: Firm and Confident Hope, Anchor of my soul): For the first time we had two summer conferences. One was focused on university students and another focused on the relatives of the brothers and sisters. Between the two attended approximately 180 people. We thank God for all the brothers and sisters who participated in all the preparations and prayers, forming a spiritual environment to surrender to the Lord. 

  The Lord raised our brothers as messengers of His Word: Eloy D., Sara R., Yurmerys B., Ingrid U., Jose M., Luis Z., José O., Wuidiana R., Dannys F., Cecilio C ., Hortencia B., Xiomara R. They received the Word deeply in their hearts and preached with grace and power. Also God raised the brothers who delivered powerful and heart moving testimonies: Hemmder, Freddy, Christian, María José, José Juan Vivas, Carmen Sánchez, Omaira, María, Carolina, Janet and Gabriel Ramos. 

  In the conferences we saw the work of God restoring families in our brothers and we give glory to God for that. There were other activities such as choirs, praises, dramas,  dances and special songs with which we glorify God with artistic talents. In both conferences several of the new comers publicly stated their decision to repent of their sins and to have faith in Jesus who died on the cross to forgive them and give them a new life.

Bible seminars and evangelism activities in universities: Before the Summer Conference, seminars and Bible studies were held at the USB, IPC, UCV, USM and other campus. The gospel was preached and the word was sown. Several sheep, emerged from this evangelism activities, came to the Summer Conference. We thank God for all the brothers and sisters who diligently and faithfully planted the seed of the gospel in the universities of Caracas.

Discipleship from 2016 to 2017: The discipleship 2016-2017 began with much encouragement and grace that we received from the Summer Conference. This discipleship 2016-2017 has a characteristic that the brothers are new believers and need to build the spiritual bases of each one’s faith. They are now practicing a Bible study one by one and writing and sharing a Bible testimony to receive the Word more deeply in their hearts. We pray that their faith will continue to grow and they will bring much fruit to the Lord.

House Churches Formation: Raúl and Wuidiana got married and formed their house church. It was a beautiful ceremony where Sh. Gustavo shared the message about the parable of  the mustard seed (Mt 13:31-32). Everyone in the church was very happy. We trust that the Lord will continue to do His precious and fruitful work in them. Sister Maria Teresa and brother Rodrigo were married by the civilian. Soon we will have ceremony of formation of House Church. We also had the opportunity to be invited to Abraham Kim and Natalys' wedding, which was officiated by M. Juan Seo. We pray that they can continue to grow in the likeness of Christ and fulfill the mission of God in their lives and the ministry that God entrusts to them.

Sunday Messages and Bible Studies. In the year 2016 we continued the study of the book of Genesis, starting the year to study on the life of Abraham and then the life of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. It was of great edification for all members to learn of the work of God in and through the fathers of the faith. We received consolation by seeing the faithfulness of God for their lives in spite of their failures and limits. We are very glad that the spiritual foundations of faith were strengthened in our brothers. At the end of Genesis we studied Titus. Through this book we learned that God  saved us to be His holy people, jealous of good works. We also had several special words throughout the year to celebrate special events and to receive the missionaries from  abroad.

Bible Venezuela: This year we had a direction for our ministry to travel all the land of Venezuela to plant the prayer in at least one university of each state of our nation. Juan Carlos and Josverlyn coordinated each state where we still do not have a UBF chapter. There were in total 5 trips through which they visited 20 states. They did it with much spiritual joy. They prayed at each university and shared the gospel with the students and professors they met.

World Mission:

Testimony of Pastor Gustavo in the World Mission Report in Korea: Pastor Gustavo traveled to Korea in June as representative of Latin America to the World Mission Report in South Korea. For the glory of God he gave testimony clearly manifesting the work of spiritual transformation in his  life from a depressive man to a man full of the mission of God. He also gave a report on the work of God in the ministry of UBF Venezuela. 

  After this he spent about a month in Korea at the Anam Center in Seoul, where M. Seo grew up as a disciple of Jesus. Together with M. John Seo he visited Korea University where he studied. He was also able to have fellowship with Dr. Mark Yang, a shepherd of the missionary Juan Seo, and with M. Pablo Oh, who was a missionary in Venezuela before M. Juan Seo, and is now in Korea. He also learned more about Korea's history and how God's work grew in turbulent times in the country. In short, it was a precious time to be in touch with the roots of our ministry and to have a fellowship with each forefathers of our faith.

Sending three missionary families: God is moving the nest of the Venezuelans and raising them like eagles to fly around the world and make disciples of all nations. Three missionary families were sent: Juan Carlos and Josverlyn went to La Plata, Argentina as collaborators of M. Isaac Cho. Luis and Josmary Zambrano went to Santiago de Chile as collaborators of M. Josué Chun. And Jose and Yessika Ortega went to Quito where they are raising a new chapter. 

  Brother Gabriel Villavicencio also visited Panama for a short time, where he also collaborates with the ministry. On January 1, 2017 there was the first worship service at Quito UBF. There were 5 sheep attended by a grace of God. This shows us that the Lord will make fruitful the ministry in Quito for his glory. We praise God because as soon as our missionaries reached their new mission fields, they began to preach and invite students to study the Bible. They are being used as a source of blessing to the nations.

Special Christmas Service: The brothers and sisters prepared with special encouragement for the Christmas Special Service on December 18 and we had 350 participants. The message Matthew 2: 1-12, "We Come to Worship Him" was preached. We learned that Jesus must be the only one we worship and that the worship involves an act and also a lifestyle in obedience to Jesus and His Word, letting Him be the King of our heart. 

  A call was made for repentance of all kinds of idolatry and for accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior and only object of worship. Several sheep and family members got up and prayed. We pray that they can be cared through the Bible Study. There were praises, choir, testimonies of Hirelis and Jolfran, mime, Venezuelan dance, drama, Christmas lunch for all and special offering for an Orphanage Hogar Bambi. We all had great joy in worshiping Jesus.

Visits from missionaries from other countries: We had visits from missionaries, Dr. Charles Kim and Little Sarah Kim, and their children, also Dr. Paul Koh and his daughter, and M. Grace Lee. They all came on the occasion of the wedding of Abraham and Natalys Kim. We shared with them the Holy dinner celebrated by M. Juan Seo. It was a time of great joy to have them with us and to share as a family in the Lord. 

  We were also visited by Dr. John Jun, who came on the basis of the continuing education program for missionaries to support M. Juan Baek. Missionary John Jun spent a week, working diligently, giving the Bible studies to leaders. He delivered the Sunday worship message, based on Ephesians 1:1-14, "The Spiritual Blessings,” which was of great spiritual encouragement for the congregation. 

  M. Juan Seo visited us on three occasions, delivering a Sunday message twice. In his first visit, he called for Venezuelans to leave as missionaries in the current Venezuelan diaspora. God used that call and this year three missionary families left.

Reception of International Aid: This year Venezuela's economic condition has continued very hard. By the grace of God, we received aid in the form of medicines and other articles. We especially want to thank the UBF Chicago brothers who prepared and sent medicines, clothes, and food on  two occasions throughout the year. Thanks to the families of Little Sarah Kim, Grace Park, Leibins and Diana, Dr. Paul Koh, Helen and Darren for supporting the organization and shipments of these  supports. We thank Anam UBF I and II  for sending medicines. 

  Thanks to the offering we received from M. Abraham Kim, from UBF chapters of the United States, to buy medicines. Also thanks to New York UBF, Missionaries Isaac Cho of Argentina, Andres Kim of Ecuador, Juan Seo in Pasadena, Bernabe Choi, Dr, Mark and Anna Yang, and Dr. Joseph Ahn. All members were comforted by their support. We trust that the Lord will treasure them in the kingdom of heaven, where thieves do not steal and moths do not destroy.

Thanks to the Lord for using us in his work of redemption during this year 2017 in Venezuela and in Latin America. May this year 2017 we can live centered on the mission of God, seeking first his kingdom and his justice.

Topics of Prayer:

  • Discipleship 2017: To faithfully care for the candidates for disciples and also to encourage the new disciples. Let the members grow as disciple-makers.
  • Powerful Sunday Message: Gustavo P. and  others.
  • Evangelize powerfully in each  university.
  • Build up 100 house-churches.
  • 50 faithful God’s men and women, and 100 teams of Bible  studies.
  • Continue sending missionaries to Latin America and the world.


Video Report : Youtube link