International Executive Board (IEB) meeting 2017

by WMD   02-28-2017   0 reads

God blessed the International Executive Board (IEB) meeting that was held on February 24-25 at Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center near Chicago. All IEB members with M. Sarah Barry and Dr. John Jun discussed and prayed for the work of God around the world, sick coworkers, families in need, and for 2018 ISBC that is to be held at Louisville, KY, USA.

Important decisions are:

  • P. Ron Ward (Chicago) and M. Moses Yoon (Korea) were nominated to be Vice General Directors of UBF
  • Delivery of 2016 Christmas offerings UBF world-wide to India UBF: $150,000 to JNU and $42,100 to DU 
  • Support for  UBF History Education Center (Dr. Samuel Lee's Museum) and publication of his messages and biography