Report for 2016 Teacher & Parent Education Ministry

by WMD   03-22-2017   0 reads

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

    “Love the Lord your God” is the supreme command of God to the Israelites before crossing the Jordan River where the Promised land is flowing with milk and honey. Loving God is the purpose of life to all mankind. It doesn’t matter whether we are young and old,  men or women. God wants to be our Father God though we are his creation. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 clearly shows how to teach and what to teach our children. At the same time, it is the parents’ responsibility to discipline their children with a love for God.

    2016  Review:

    We have been having the T&PE (Teachers & Parents Education) for the last three years. God blessed the T&PE ministry abundantly in 2016 that we visited 25 chapters (Korea: 6, Canada: 9, USA: 10) with total 33 presentations along with four topics: 

*1. “The godly family in the world mission”; *2. “Children Bible Fellowship (CBF)”; *3. “Family discipleship”, and *4. “Teacher’s self-development”

Teachers & Parents education at:              Date:                 *Topic:

  • College of Dupage                            1/9                         1 & 3
  • Northwestern, Chicago                      2/11, 18                1 & 3
  • Loyola, Chicago                                 2/25, 3/24             1 & 3           
  • New Jersey                                        3/3-4                     1 & 3
  • Trenton, NJ                                        3/5                           3
  • Univ. of Conn.                                    3/8                        Visited
  • Columbia Univ., NY                           3/11                       Visited
  • New York                                           3/12-13                 1, 2, & 3
  • NEIU, Chicago                                   3/6, 13                  1 & 3
  • UIC, Chicago                                    4/21, 28                1 & 3
  • In-je, Korea                                       5/14                         3
  • Choon-chun, Korea                          5/18                         3
  • Kwang-ju, Korea                               5/20                         3
  • Soon-chun, Korea                            5/23                         3
  • Jeon-ju, Korea                                  5/25                         3
  • Je-ju, Korea                                      5/31                       3
  • Minneapolis, MN                              7/ 14-15                 1, 2, & 3
  • Eau Clair, WI                                    7/17                       Visited
  • London, Canada                               9/15                       3
  • Waterloo, Canada                             9/16                       3
  • Hamilton, Canada                             9/17                       3
  • Ryerson, Canada                             9/18                       Visited
  • St. George, Canada                         9/18                       Visited
  • United Toronto, Canada                   9/18                       3
  • United Ottawa, Canada                    9/19                       3
  • Redeau, Canada                              9/19                       Visited
  • North York, Canada                         9/20                       1
  • Toledo, OH                                       11/13                      3
  • Lansing, MI                                      11/14                     Visited 

    In 2016 we began to have teachers education in Chicago UBF. We chose the book, “Teaching to change lives” written by Dr. Howard Hendricks. Mostly our teachers are parents and students with many responsibilities in ministry, fellowship, and so on. So teacher education is largely dependant on self-study basis and reading a book according to the instruction book. We gathered together once a month to discuss and fill out the question airs accordingly. This book has seven chapters. In this year we have covered four chapters by God’s grace. 

  • The law of the Teacher                      8/27
  • The law of Education                         10/1
  • The law of Activity                             10/29
  • The law of Communication                12/3

    Through T&PE and visiting chapters in 2016, we learned several things. Firstly, our second generations from missionaries and shepherds outnumbered their parents. Secondly,  most of the parents knew the importance of spiritual parenting but they did not know how to put it into practice. Thirdly, more than half among the second generations are already grown. Fourthly, we have to raise many faithful and willing-hearted teachers through education and training. 

    2017 T&P plan:

  • Western region in North America
  • Japan
  • On going teachers education

Isaac Choi