Rwanda Visit by Francis Choi

by WMD   05-11-2017   0 reads

This past week I went to Rwanda to drop off some supplies for M. Daniel Yang as well as fellowship with the Rwandan brothers. After a long trip on a night bus on Monday evening, I arrived to Kigali at 6am Tuesday morning. From there I took another 3 hr bus ride to Butare in Huye district. Brother Hodal greeted me at the bus park, and we took a moto to the new Bible house where M. Daniel currently lives. The Bible house is ideally situated about a 10min walk away from the University of Rwanda campus in the quiet neighborhood of Mukoni, opposite Kiato a famous shoe manufacturer. M. Daniel and the brothers are actively working to settle into the new Bible house, hiring laborers to repair dilapidated sections of the building. They are still working to get necessary furniture, a refrigerator and WiFi as well. They did not have pots and pans until I arrived, so M. Daniel was unable to cook meals, eating bread and peanut butter often. He was very happy and thankful for the delicous Korean food, rice cooker and medicine M. Grace, M. Rebekah and Ugandan coworkers sent. We joyfully shared lunch and dinner together, although the brothers did not want to try the fresh kimchi. For my arrival they also prepared mattresses (until then M. Daniel had been sleeping on the floor).

We had a very joyful time of fellowship in the past few days and shared many prayer topics. We noticed many of the brothers, M. Daniel and I had all studied economics in university, so we had much in common in terms of interests. They are praying for suitable jobs in Kigali and further graduate education. Br. Hodal is also praying to attend the International conference in 2018 in the US. All the brothers are very disciplined and hard working, so I could learn much from their spirit. The brothers showed me the campus which was quite scenic as it is surrounded by forests. They are also praying for new Bible students who can help with the ministry as they each transition after graduation. I could witness God's blessing on this precious and historic beginning of Rwandan Ubf ministry. May God continue to bless Rwanda mission like a kernel of wheat to spread the Gospel and raise disciples of Jesus in Africa.