Indonesia 7 Chapters Joint Christmas Worship Service & Missionary Conf., Asia

by WMD   01-03-2018   0 reads


Peter Lee

Merry Christmas!

May the grace & joy of heaven from the new born Baby Jesus be filled in your hearts! We thank God for richly blessing our joint Christmas worship service with seven other UBF chapters in Indonesia on December 17th 2017 at UNAS campus which is now pioneered by Basar Mingu UBF coworkers.

From 23-25 we had 3 days' missionaries conference. P. Moses Kim of Anam delivered a message "Jesus in a manger" (Lk 2:7) and we had a communion on the Christmas Eve. P. Moses gave us lectures about "The Bible and the Reformation", Wester Minster decree.

4 second genes who will enter colleges this year shared their life testimony. I personally learned the importance of Bible studying and also decided to wake up at 4 a.m. for early morning prayer in 2018. Please pray for Asia directors' conference that will be held on 1/4-6 in Tokyo, Japan.