Prayer Request from Taipei UBF, TAIWAN
by WMD  
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Dr. Mark & Gloria Hui
Would you please remember us in your prayers? Every Sunday 9 people including 7 bible students attends to our Sunday Worship Service. Among them, two are university students. Also, we engage 12 one-to-one bible studies weekly and 6 people participate in the Group Bible Study.
Our prayer topics are:
1. To raise student-disciples in National Taiwan University.
2. M. Mark Hui’s powerful Chinese Sunday message and Gloria’s English translation.
3. To raise Missionary Mark as a professor shepherd.
4. To pray for a self-supporting ministry.
5. To raise Guru, Gregory, and Mitzuris as one-to-one bible teachers.
6. To pray for Jenny and Marcos to grow in Christ and build a Christ-centered house church in April.