UBF 2018 ISBC - Important Note- Sign-up Interest Group by June 30

by WMD   06-28-2018   0 reads

Dear ISBC Registrants, 

Thank you for registering to the 2018 ISBC “His Kingdom” conference! 

Please be advised that the registration website will be closed on June 30, 2018.  After this day, you will not be able to make any changes to your registration.  Please log-in to your registration account and make your selections for the Interest groups ASAP. If you have not completed your payments yet, you will be prompted to pay a minimum amount of $20 before you can save your changes on the registration site. 

For further instructions on how to sign up for Interest Groups, visit the link: http://hiskingdom2018.org/2018/06/22/sign-up-interest-group-now-seats-are-limited/

Thank you for your cooperation!

God bless,

Interest Group Committee