Uganda Update and Prayer Topics, UGANDA

by WMD   07-06-2018   0 reads

Livingstone Kang 

M. Livingstone and Grace Kang have been serving Makarere UBF chapter as the director since 2016 after Missionary Luke Lim. 

S. Steven Ssebbale (Conference speaker) returned from the ISBC messengers camp after taking one and a half day's journey. We were encouraged by his coming to the evening leaders bible study from the airport, full of the Spirit. 

There were many short term missionaries to Uganda this year too: David Won Jr, Joy Ahn, Andy (NU medicine), Esther Cheng (Tempe), Bob Henkins and Junmo Kown (2nd gen). Later this year, several second gens plan to come from Korea and Germany. 

Prayer topics:

1. Makarere UBF have 2 months special training program (3 times a week Bible study and reflection writing and sharing for around 10 Junior leaders and new members,) ​

2. A new Bible House construction: We purchased 0.24 acres of land. We made 6 committees (prayer, finance, publicity & fundraising, physical structure, legal, oversight & secretariat) as our 5 loaves and 2 fish though we have nothing.

3. Pray for us to continue to raise disciples by practicing Jesus' love.