Pastor Moses Yoon's Inaugural Address

by UBF HQ   08-16-2018   0 reads

A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation (Exodus 19:5-6a)

3,500 years ago, God rescued the enslaved people of Israel from Egypt, which was the most powerful nation at the time, and spoke to them through Moses. “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”(Ex 19:5-6a). 2,000 years ago, Apostle Peter said to the scattered Christians across the Roman Empire, suffering under the persecution. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1Pe 2:9). Those who believe in Jesus are the royal priesthood and holy nation of their generation. For the past 57 years, God has used our UBF community to reach out to campus students across the world, raising them into disciples of Jesus. For this glorious ministry, God worked powerfully through leaders such as Dr. Samuel Lee, Mother Sarah Barry, Dr. John Jun, Dr. Abraham Kim, and many others. God called numerous missionaries who gave their lives to raise disciples, shedding many tears and praying constantly. We give glory, thanks and praises to God, who has been doing these beautiful things among us.

According to God’s sovereignty, I have been called to serve our community and I accepted God’s call with fear and trembling. I pray that I may serve by the Holy Spirit’s leading, and with your prayer support, as below.

First, a loving spiritual community.
To declare the praises of Jesus’ love, we must first love one another. People desperately want a community in today’s isolated and lonely society. I pray that God may help us build a loving spiritual community where we dearly love and care for one another.

Second, raising leaders for the next generation.
We must pray that the leadership of each chapter and nation be passed on to the next generation. We must focus on raising young spiritual leaders, who have had every opportunity to grow into strong disciples and can eventually take over the leadership in each chapter and country.

Third, campus mission by lay missionaries.
Campus mission by laymen means a mission led by faith, with people taking on this seemingly impossible challenge solely by faith. I pray that, by faith in God Almighty, we may devote ourselves all the more to campus work as lay missionaries.

Fourth, raising 100,000 missionaries by 2041.
I pray that God may establish 100,000 well-prepared missionaries and send them out across the whole world by 2041. With this goal, I will encourage short-term and silver missionaries. May God help us to remember his grace each day and commit our lives to his work for his glory alone.

Please pray for this servant.

Many thanks.

Moses Yoon (Aug. 12, 2018)