P. Abraham & Sarah Kim's Farewell Party (Aug 21 2018), CHICAGO, USA (Video)

by WMD   08-31-2018   0 reads

by Augustine Sohn and Gideon Bahn

Over 90 invited guests enjoyed the love feast in honor of P. Abraham and Sarah Kim who go back to Minnesota next Wednesday after serving UBF as the General Director from 2012 to 2018. Here are some appreciation remarks:

Dr. Augustine Sohn: P. Abraham's effort to form UBF as a loving community and world mission community.

Dr. Joseph Chung: "Abraham gave up his worldly dream to be a military general. God made him a spiritual general. He fought the spiritual battle well. 2018 ISBC was his last task to win the victory. Praise God for him."

Gideon Bahn: I received internship training under him like in the West Point Military Academy. Sarah Kim fed me with delicious food. It was hard but paid off when I came to a mission field to hold onto the grace of God in all situations.

Jim Rarick: He listened to others’ opinions even though they were different from his agenda. He is a man of faith and prayer in serving the work of God.

Yvonne Lee: Thanks to Sarah's shepherd heart for me to establish a happy house church with Won Lee.

Augustine Sohn: He served ISBC with prayers. He worked hard to reconcile with the people who are opposing our ministry.  

Richard Choi: For serving the work of God worldwide through prayer and vision for short-term and long-term mission.

David Choi: His thorough understanding of the budget and hard working in planning, which unburdened him much.

M. Daniel Yang: He was excellent in the word of God, in the discipleship, and in the administration.

Dr. John Jun: He inherited the Dongyo ministry and also the UBF General directorship.

Moses Yoon: “He was a good team leader. He will support me as a new General Director.”

Sorry for not having enough space here for some others who also shared their appreciations.

P. Abraham thanked God’s blessing to serve his kingdom as a UBF General Director last seven years. He thanked all others who served God’s kingdom together with him especially ISBC 2018. He will remain more than ever as a witness of Jesus Christ for his Kingdom and for UBF ministry.

The celebration ended with Dr. James Kim's prayer. It was a joyful occasion to celebrate one man of faith and prayer for his service and also for his wife's quiet and sacrificial devotion to His Kingdom through the UBF ministry.