Prayer for Sick Co-workers Around the World, HQ

by WMD   10-06-2018   0 reads

Hannah Koh (HanSung): Pray for her to restore enough strength to receive cancer therapy. She is memorizing Bible verses and is full of spirit. She thanks God for giving her time to rest and review her life of faith.

Eunice Lee (Hwarang): She is receiving chemotherapy. She suffers a lot because the injection does not work well. Pray for her to have a successful bone marrow transplantation.

Hannah Byun (Kwanak 3): As the result of the biopsy, her cancer size is 9.1cm on stage 3 cancer and it’s kind of rare cancer that it’s very hard to figure it out on early-stage cancer. However, by the grace of God it was figured out and there is no more cancer transferred to the other part of her body except a lymph node. Now she is going to receive chemotherapy after two weeks of resting and regaining of her health. She has been struggling with word of God and prayer daily to overcome her fear for chemotherapy and to cope with her pain from the part of the surgery. She also has glaucoma in her eyes with much pressure. Especially she needs prayer because her cancer is known as drug fast cancer against chemotherapy in general.  Please continue to pray that by faith she may go through the chemotherapy well.

Teresa Han (Brazil): She has been sleeping well has progressed in what she can eat. Pray for her to have necessary strength to receive a third round of chemotherapy treatment for her cancer.

YulKook Kee, (Pauline and 2 babies): According to doctors, he recovered consciousness by an act of divine power and grace. His heartbeat is weak. Pray for his full recovery and to serve God for another 40 years.