Prayer for Sick Coworkers Around the World, HQ

by WMD   10-24-2018   0 reads

*Teresa Han (Brazil)

She finished the anticancer treatment yesterday (10/15) and was discharged at home. Because of the cancer side effects, she feels dizzy after eating, but she keeps on eating well. She wants to eat lots of fruit. Since yesterday, she eats one each of the vitamins without any burden. It is scheduled to return to the hospital on Sunday afternoon and to have the second cancer treatment on the second Monday. Thanks for your prayer. Please keep praying.

*JuYong Kim (Mongolia)

His surgery was well done. (10/18) The operation time was longer than expected. The pelvic bone was missing and it was removed from the calf bone. It is also filled with other artificial material because it is not able to cover everything. They changed the metal plate that supports his legs. It is necessary to have a careful observation over the next two months and he has to be very careful for 6 months.
Joyong has endured eight major operations with patience and faith. I believe and pray that this is the last operation.
There is a process of rehabilitation and recovery in the future. I believe that Juyong will live a life of showing the glory of God by vigorously running like a calf. I would like to express my gratitude to the missionaries who prayed for him and the UBF co-workers around the world.

*YulKuk Kee (GongReung, Korea)

The doctors planted an artificial heart, a pacemaker on 10/4 and he was discharged from the hospital and is recovering. They said that the machine should be able to adapt to the body for two months, but it was restored to such an extent that there was no problem in everyday life. The workplace notified him to return in three months. Thanks to the prayers of many WM warriors of prayers. We thank the grace that saved and restored our precious servants.