A Single House Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA

by WMD   11-21-2018   0 reads

Abraham Lee

Last year, our family arrived here, Stillwater, Oklahoma. At that time, we didn’t know our future; I felt like surrounded by many difficulties. However, the Lord, our good shepherd had led us to green pastures: a safe city, a kind neighbor, and self-supporting by a stipend from the school. I was accepted as a mechanical engineering Ph.D. student of Oklahoma state university. Although I live as a foreigner, I thank God because I can solely rely on God.  

I thank God for:

1. Saving our family and calling us as missionaries.

2. Protecting us like the apples of his eyes.

3. Daycare of two daughters

Prayer topics:

1. Powerful Sunday message

2. Five loaves and two fish of Oklahoma State University

3. Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness

4. Conquer English and study by faith