"To be One" - Cologne UBF Fall Conference, GERMANY

by WMD   11-21-2018   0 reads


The theme was "To be one" based on John 17:23. There were four lectures to underline the theme about Jesus´ church:

John 13 (Lennart Scharmann from Duesseldorf): His message is a very personal and inspiring performance from this young German student about Jesus´ serving love in washing feet.
John 15 (Johann Kim): His premiere on his 24th birthday with deep understanding in context of Jesus´as a vine branch
John 17 (Henoch Seok): A heart-moving message about Jesus´ love on the cross to forgive our sins and His prayer for His church.
Act 2 (Peter Jeong): A very heart-moving crying message about the message from St.Peter which had gone through the hearts of the attendants.

God gave us His Holy Spirit to hear His word very personally. I could hear Jesus words on the cross for forgiveness and could feel Jesus´love very deeply. I learn if I learn Jesus´ love very personally, Jesus´ church could be one. The conference was also a family conference with many kids representing Gods joy and power. We thank God for good organization from Elia Lee, David Yoo and also Josua Cho, Johannes Lee and Susan Lee. Thanks for your prayer and I wish you a stream of living water.