Botswana's Prayer Topics

by WMD   01-04-2019   0 reads

Thank God for using an unworthy servant for feeding campus souls for 8 years in Cameroon and 14 years in Botswana.

Our family has planned to go back to Korea because of education expenses for children. I returned to Korea last June 20, 2018, and had some work sometimes with injuries. Now I am praying to find a permanent job. My co-worker, missionary Deborah will return with our second and third children on 31 December 2018.

Prayer Topics

1. Have a disciple of Jesus in Botswana

2. For missionary Timothy Chung to get a stable job

3. For school study: Sehan (born on Sep. 28, 1999, Rhodes University of South Africa, Pharmacy school, completed 2 years), Deborah (born on January 24, 2001, Accounting 2), and Anne (born on January 28, 2003)

4. Return to Africa in God's time