World Mission Director's Corner - April 4, 2019
Dear UBF World Mission Coworkers,
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)
Mission is God’s heart’s desire to bless all people of the earth in the fallen world. God called Abraham to fulfill his mission to bless all people of the world because he is the Creator of all people (Genesis 12:3). God chose Israel as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation to carry out his world salvation plan (Exodus 19:5-6). But Israel turned away from God’s expectation by worshipping idols when God blessed them in the promised land. In spite of Israel’s failures, God revealed his plan of world salvation through the nation of Israel in Isaiah 49:6, “He says, ‘It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.’” God’s priority was to use Israel as a light for the Gentiles to bring salvation to the ends of the earth even though there was the immediate urgency to restore Israel from Babylonian captivity. World mission is always God’s first priority. God sent Jesus to save fallen men from the captivity of sin and death and Satan. Jesus called twelve disciples and trained them for three and a half years and sent them out to make disciples of all nations based on Matthew 28:19-20. This is called the Great Commission of Jesus because it is the last word of Jesus given to the 12 apostles and to all Christians who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The 12 apostles obeyed Jesus’ Great Commission and changed world history by preaching the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. After Peter’s Pentecostal sermon in Acts 2, the first Jerusalem church was born and the gospel ministry expanded through the Antioch church through missionaries Paul and Barnabas.
God has blessed UBF ministry for the last 58 years since 1961 because many young college-aged men and women responded to God’s call for world mission by giving up their comfortable lives and secure jobs and future dreams and plans. They are serving in the last chapters of the Great Commission, paving the way for the second coming of Jesus Christ in the last days. God used the late Dr. Samuel Lee as the first general director who established the core values of 1 to 1 ministry, disciple-making, campus mission, and world mission. God used Missionary Sarah Barry as the second general director. Dr. John Jun succeeded as the third general director. Pastor Abraham Kim finished his term in 2018 as the fourth general director and Pastor Moses Yoon has been serving as the current general director since August 2018.
World mission is too great a task to complete alone but it is too important not to do. This is the reason we need your prayer support for the world mission department. The World Mission Department will promote world mission vision and provide training for missionaries and young students. Our department is organized into seven functional areas: short term missions (M. Richard Choi), long term missions (M. David Kim), silver missions (M. Daniel Yang), communication and publication (Agnes Sohn Jordan), curriculum development (Dr. Ezra Cho), camp counselor (Dr. Sam Augustine), and vision camp (Abe Lee). Our future is here. Our future is our next generation. In 2018, we hosted vision camps in Washington DC, LA, and New Jersey. Now in 2019 we will hold the Pre-ESBC International Vision Camp at Praha Czech Republic on August 1-7, 2019 and the GLEF in Bonn Germany from July 29 to August 7, 2019.
The University Bible Fellowship is a university people. There are about 3300 colleges in the United States. There are about 25,000 around the world. God is fulfilling his vision through us in the last days. All college students have become our mission fields. Young people in college can build a deep foundation of life through Bible study, which will shape the next fifty years of their life, including their decisions about their job, their marriage, their values of life and purpose of life. In Scripture God revealed his vision. Pastor Steve Shadrach in his book “The Fuel and the Flame” developed 4 E’s in fulfilling the Great Commission as follows: evangelism (fishing), establishing (1 to 1 Bible study, raising disciples) equipping (team training, disciple-maker), and exporting (sending short term or long term missionaries, reproducer). Please pray for the World Mission Department and staff to promote God’s vision for young people. Please pray for our general director Pastor Moses Yoon to carry out the world mission command of Jesus with your prayer support. Let’s have solidarity in Christ for world mission!
In Christ,
WMD Director, Jacob Lee
April 4, 2019