Prayer support for John's job (Podil, Ukraine)

by WMD   04-18-2019   0 reads

Dear NA World Mission coworkers, you have always asked us if we have any prayer request. We are in need of your prayers now. Two weeks ago, John got a bad evaluation from the PE supervisor and school director. They told him they will not renew his contract next year. He has a contract for the school year of 2019-2020. But after that they told him to teach in another country or find another school in Kyiv if he wants to stay. They have been watching his classes like a hawk and whenever he messes up they criticize him. It has put a big strain on John.

Also if they let him go in 2020 he will not get his full pension but only 50%. He needs to work 8 more years to qualify for a full pension. Daily bread had been a source of blessing for us especially today's about Daniel in the Lion's den. The administrators were looking for a way to get rid of Daniel. But Daniel continued his daily routine of praying 3 times a day facing Jerusalem. John and I have been praying for the administrators. We don't want any bad feelings for them. Can you pray for us as well?
