Silver Missionaries are Sent out from USA to K

by WMD   09-11-2019   0 reads


Article by M. J.L 

Finally, God sent me and my wife from Washington, USA, to K a desert city to give us time to go back to the Bible, to purify our hearts and, also to reexamine our life direction. Abe L delivered the first Sunday message on Joshua 1:1-9 with the title, “Be strong and very courageous." He said 3 points about general Joshua, a new leader. 1st, he was faithful as Moses’s aid. Our family may be a good helper and be faithful to God as Joshua did to Moses. 2nd, Joshua will possess the Promised Land given by God. K is our Promised Land to conquer by faith. 3rd, we can be strong and very courageous by talking, thinking and obeying God’s words. Please pray for me to seek God's will here surrounded by I__q, Ir_n and S__i Ara__, and U_E and Q__r. Pray for me to learn the native language at K University which has 37,000 students. Thanks for your prayers.