Chicago Children Bible Fellowship (CBF) Teachers Conference Program

by WMD   11-06-2019   0 reads


Chicago Children Bible Fellowship (CBF) is holding 2019 Teachers Conference which recognizes teachers’ service and improves teachers’ quality enhancing teaching method for spiritual benefits of our CBF children as follow:

When: Saturday 16th November 2019 (12:00-17:00)

Where: Leningrad house of Chicago UBF

Who come: Teachers, messengers in CBF, and those who have an interest in CBF

What programs:

  • Lunch (provided) - Altogether
  • Keynote speech by Tim M. 
  • Lectures
    I. “TEACHING TO CHANGE LIVES #2” (by Howard Hendricks) by Birgit P.
    II. “FAMILY WORSHIP” (T&PE) by Isaac C.                                         
  • Book report - “HOW TO REALLY LOVE YOUR TEEN” written by Ross Campbell
    Report by Melina R, Michelle L, Helen J.

*Whoever has questions for CBF teachers conference, please see the contact numbers in the downloadable program file below. 



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