Prayer Topics for Central America 5 Nations Conference 2020 in Honduras
Central America Conference (4/9-12 in Honduras)
(Juan K. CA coordinator, David K. conference coordinator)
1. Registration: 92 registered: *75 Central America and 3 from Korea, and 14 from the USA. (*Guatemala 14, El Salvador 10, Belize 10, Nicaragua 18, Honduras 23)
2. Messengers: S. Jonathan (Mk 4: 1-20) Parable of the Sower
S. Edwar (Jn 5: 1-15) Get up! Pick up your mat and walk
S. Raul (Lk 23: 25-56) Crucifixion of Jesus
S. Dillon (Mt 28: 1-20) Jesus has Risen
S. Heidy (Jn 4: 1-26) Samaritan Woman
M. Juan S. (Jn 3: 1-16) Born again
M. Isaac K. (Mk 6:30-46) You give them something to eat
3. Prayer topics: a) To reach 120 registration goal and even more
b) For the life-giving messages
c) All members come with their life testimonies in advance