(Latin America/Update) News of Latin Missionaries’ Online Education (LLE)

by UBF HQ   11-18-2020   0 reads

Latin Missionaries’ Education (LLE)


Latin leadership online education (LLE) has been continued since the first meeting has started this year. You see the recent programs below which we had. May God continue to bless LLE so that many missionaries in Latin may be strengthened to serve the work of God during the pandemic crisis. 

Dr. M*arkYang gave the Inductive Bible Study lecture and Ruth Bible studies (10/26)
Dr. S*amuelH.Lee (Former Korea director) gave 2 lectures (11/8 & 11/15)
Dr. E*stebanCho (Latin Coordinator): Biblical Counseling. (11/16)
-P. D*eukHyunKang in Korea gave a total of 33 lectures (anthropology 5, soteriology 11, holy spirit 7, and ecclesiology 10 lectures) every Tuesday for over 3 hours for the last 10 months. Around 15 Latin missionaries were greatly reinforced. The last three sessions will be on 11/24, 12/1, and 12/8 about ecclesiology.

<P. D*eukHyunKang's lecture>


We formed an online Education for missionaries in Latin America. Starting this week, the lecture on ecclesiology will be given 3 hours a week. The first meeting began with 3 participants and recently 26 missionaries joined. Missionaries in Latin America thank God for blessing them with the necessary support during the Pandemic. May God richly bless this meeting so that Latin area missionaries may be strengthened and serve the work of God continually during the pandemic crisis. 


*Related News: https://ubf.org/articledetail/16722