(CIS) The CIS Leaders' Conference was Held on January 1 to 4, 2021

by UBF HQ   01-16-2021   0 reads

God blessed the CIS Leaders' Conference, "The Word of Christ May Dwell in You Richly," with a total of 91 attendees from 13 CIS countries, Korea, and the United States.
There were three messages:
1. M*atthew Gerrus (Odessa) gave a message titled "Still You Don't Remember?" on Mark 3:13-8:21 when Jesus helped his disciples remember the creator God.
2. General Director M*oses Yoon delivered a message on Colossians 3, "May the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly."
3. J*oshua Kim (Bauman, Russia) spoke on Mark 13:1-37, "The Gospel Must First Be Preached to All Nations."
There were three special lectures:
1. The General Director of Korea UBF, M*oses Kim, spoke on the foundation of gospel faith, “Confession of the Reformed Faith.”
2. S*amuel Lee delivered a lecture titled “History of the Students’ Gospel Movement.”
3. W*esley Yun (Korea) gave a lecture on Solomon's Ecclesiastes.
13 CIS nations gave mission reports, testifying to the amazing work of the Holy Spirit regarding offline and online Bible study despite Covid 19. We thank God for always reminding us of Jesus and his love, enriching our hearts with His Word, and giving us the spiritual desire to preach the Gospel in these difficult times.