(MEXICO-UPDATE) Wedding News between M. Samuel Jr. (USA) and Dr. Cindy (Mexico)

by UBF HQ   12-22-2021   0 reads


M. Samuel H. Jr. (New Jersey, US), a son of M. Samuel & Hannah H. and Dr. C*indy (Guadalajara, Mexico) established a missionary house church at Guadalajara UBF Center on Dec. 5th.

M. T*imothy R. officiated the wedding with Gen 2:18, 24. M. S*amuel H. received Bible study and spiritual influence from the late Dr. P*aul C. He made a decision of faith to be a missionary to Mexico to serve college students. Dr. C*indy also decided to stay in Guadalajara by faith to serve campus ministry in Guadalajara even though she could get a better job in other cities. Many guests from New Jersey, New York, Georgia, and other chapters of Mexico joined the wedding. May God bless this beautiful missionary house church to be a blessing for many Mexican college students.


M. Samuel H. Jr. (New Jersey UBF, Son of M. S*amuel Hong from Montclair UBF) and Dr. Cindy (Guadalajara UBF, Mexico) will have their wedding ceremony in Mexico on Sunday, December 5, 2021, at 6 pm.

M. Samuel H. Jr. will be sent out to Mexico as a missionary. Here are his prayer topics:

1) Be a shepherd for Mexican campus students
2) Learn Spanish
3) Self-supporting Job